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I looked around the classroom for any sign of Oikawa, but it seemed like he hadn't arrived yet. It was odd for him to be this late though, usually he came early. Surely he was going show up eventually, right? I sighed, and decided that I was going to go to the bathroom. Maybe he would arrive while I was away.

As I was walking through the hallway, lifting my feet and then putting them down again, I heard a loud crashing noise. Looking around, I saw a somewhat large janitor's closet, the light shining bright through the gaps in the frame. I rushed over to it and pulled the door open, revealing a bunch of boxes on the ground. As I looked around to further scan the scene, something caught my eye. I saw the upper half part of a body, laying face down and struggling to get up as the other half of the body was weighed down by boxes. Hastily, I tried lifting some of the boxes off the struggling corpse, eventually taking enough weight off their legs that they could crawl their limbs out from under the large boxes.

I looked down to see the person who had almost been completely crushed by the boxes.
"Boxykawa?" I don't know why but I felt like giving him another name, although I don't know if this one was as good as the others.

He took a few seconds to catch his breath, and then accidentally made eye contact with me before suddenly being really interested in his nails. I would have expected him to make a comment on the nickname, but it seemed like he wasn't going to talk to me at the moment.

Oh yeah, I needed to confront him on the detention thing. I slowly took a deep breath before beginning to talk.

"Oikawa-" he got up and tried running- or more like limping, over to the door before his foot connected with a random box in the way and he fell. I ran over to him.

"Oikawa!" I yelled, getting a hold of both the sleeves on his uniform. he didn't look at me but instead tried crawling away, only to be held back by my hands still firmly gripping onto his sleeves. Why does this always have to happen, it's so frustrating.

"Oikawa I will not let you go until you hear me out. I shouldn't even care what you think. I should think you're being selfish and getting the wrong idea over a stupid thing. But I do know that I would be wrong if I said that, I understand that I'm the problem here... but really, that's not what happened I swear!"

he was staring at the ground, but I could see him shaking and then starting to laugh. He tried to hide it, but that didn't seem to be working too well for him. 

"I didn't understand a word you said. That made no sense at all," he whispered in a quiet voice, before trying to run again, but this time less aggressive than before.

I released my grip on him, only to have him immediately run to the door. He quickly turned the knob, only to have it be stuck in place halfway through turning it. It was locked.

he began to shake the doorknob aggressively, grunting as he did so, but it never opened. What did he expect, some sort of magical force to open it from the other side?

"Help!" he shouted. I watched him shouting and struggling from a distance, wondering if I should do anything about it. There wasn't much I could do, nobody seemed to be hearing him from the outside so what difference would it make if I was shouting as well?

"Sorry.." I heard a voice, barely in a whisper, speaking. "I want to believe you, Iw-" suddenly the door opened, making Oikawa stumble back a bit before hurrying out of the room, not even taking a second look at whoever opened the it.

I got up and walked to the door, seeing Hiromi there, looking surprised and confused. I muttered a quick 'thanks' before hurrying after Oikawa.


at this point I feel like I'm writing anime slice of life filler episodes instead of a fanfiction. I don't really remember what I was gonna do with this chapter or the plot of this story so I feel really bad that I'm probably wasting someone's time if they're reading this. I really do apologize.

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