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Iwa-chan invited me to his house so we spent the rest of the day together doing homework and studying. We didn't really get to do anything else but we did take breaks to play games and eat food. 

Iwa-chan laid out mats on the ground for both of us to sleep on, he always did this when I came over so we didn't have to share the bed or only one of us had to sleep on the ground. He said it would be unfair so we both just sleep on the floor. 

I heard him snoring, and smiled. Then my own eyes began to close.


I woke up to the sun shining straight into my eyes. I closed them immediately but then I felt something around me move. Was my blanket alive? I stayed still, I felt like if I moved my blanket would somehow attack me. But then I realized the thing around me wasn't my blanket. It was...Iwa-chan...? 

I opened my eyes wide and tried to make myself as still as possible. I didn't want to wake him up. If he woke up and saw himself like this, I don't know what he would do. I looked down and his arms and legs were hugging me in a shielding sort of way. 

It was so embarrassing, even though nobody else could see it, it still made me blush like crazy. I could feel Iwa-chan starting to move his head, which was buried in my neck. Wait, what? He took a deep breath, and I could feel the hot air hit my neck. It sent shivers over my whole entire body. He began unconsciously chewing the back of my hair, accidentally licking it for a split second before starting to chew again. I closed my eyes tightly, trying my best not to make a sound.

I heard a yawn escape his mouth and quickly pretended to be asleep.


I woke up. I felt something in my mouth and took it out. I was hugging something, no, someone. Huh? I was hugging someone? I quickly got off of them and sat up. It was Oikawa. I had been all over him.

This is so embarrassing, I just wanna kill myself.

I moved his head to see if he was still sleeping, and to my relief, he was. What would he do if he woke up? I decided to get up since I was already awake and threw my blanket on top of him. I took my phone out and quickly took a picture of Oikawa sleeping there peacefully before hurrying to get ready.


I heard the door close and slowly opened my eyes to see if Iwaizumi was still there. Oh good, he left. If he knew I was awake, I don't know what would have happened. 

~Winter~ IwaOiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant