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Ok so it's been a few days *weeks* since I wrote the last chapter I finished it just now so I guess we'll see if I can come up with what to write for this one.



I waited a while before deciding to go and have breakfast so that it seemed like I was asleep. I saw Iwa-chan at the table eating some cereal, he was staring off into space, probably thinking about something. I got the same thing as he did since I didn't really know what to eat.

While I was eating, I stared at Iwa-chan. He didn't seem to notice I was staring at him since he himself was staring at the wall in front of him. He looked so relaxed at the moment, his light colored eyes were enough to make anyone fall into a trance.

I looked away after realizing I had been staring for longer than I had intended to.

 Iwa-chan and I finished both our cereal at the same time, so I volunteered to do the dishes, but instead I got called an idiot and Iwa-chan ended up doing them instead. 

"Shittykawa," Iwa-chan suddenly said.

"Huh?" I said, looking up at him.

"Do you wanna... y'know... go somewhere?" he asked. 

My face instantly lit up and I nodded, and soon Iwa-chan was driving us to the small coffee shop that was close by.

We walked into the store and sat at a table in the corner.

"What? Why does it cost so much for 2 coffees?" Iwa-chan asked the lady who took our orders after she revealed the price to be higher than expected.

"Well, we charge less for people coming here as a couple, I didn't want to assume you two were dating, but judging by how close you seem... we could give you 30% off. That is, of course, if you're a couple,"

I responded before Iwa-chan could get the chance to. I wouldn't let an opportunity like this slip away so easily, the things I could get out of this would be amazing... plus our orders would be cheaper so Iwa would have to thank me later.

"Yep! Iwa-chan and I are dating, I love him soooo much~" I scooted closer to him and gave him a side hug, which earned me a "tsk" and a glare from Iwa-chan.

"Alright then I will be back with your orders!" the lady said, as she left to go get our drinks.

He pushed me off of him. "Hey, Iwa-chan, you should be glad that I saved us from wasting a ton of money~".

He sighed. "I guess you're right. What can I do to repay you?" he said, annoyance and sarcasm clearly laced in his tone.

"Hmm... I know! Consider this a date." I said.

"What? No"

"If you do, I'll pay for everything," that would be sure to make him agree.

He looked over me and thought for a while, and then finally came to terms with what I said. "Yeah, whatever. As long as you pay for everything," I knew it.

"It's a date then~" the lady came back with our orders and I paid for it all, showing Iwa-chan that I would do as I promised.

Me and Iwa-chan drank our drinks in silence, not speaking or making eye contact with each other. I don't think that's how a date's supposed to work. 

"Hey Iwa-chan, since we're on a date, can I hold your hand? Pleasee," surprisingly, he seemed like he was in a better mood and overall nicer today, and to my surprise, he agreed. I happily took his hand. 

I sat there drinking my coffee and holding Iwa's hand. Today was a good day. I looked up and noticed some old people and a family staring at us and whispering to each other. I uncomfortably shifted in my seat and tried to forget about it.

Iwa-chan looked over at me and noticed my how uncomfortable I looked. "Hm? What's wrong?"  

"Those people are staring at us..." I let out in barely a whisper. He looked around and saw who I was talking about. For some reason this seemed to make him angry. 

"Tch. Homophobes. Stick your big ass noses in your own damn business," his voice made it clear that he was highly annoyed at them. 

"Hurry up, we're leaving," he said, accidentally crushing my hand by squeezing it too hard. I guess he really was mad. 

Right as I put the cup down after finishing, Iwaizumi practically dragged me out of the small shop, wrapping his arms around me. "Ah, oops. I forgot my car keys," he pulled me back into the shop and, as he said, the keys were on the table we were sitting at before.

He quickly grabbed them and lead me to the exit, before stopping in his tracks. "Oh right. Hey trash- Oikawa..."

"Hm?" I said, confusion clearly written on my face. Did he forget something else? 

Without warning, he pushed me lightly and I hit the wall, my head bouncing on the hard surface. I looked up at him and he leaned forward, his lips now next to my ears. I was completely flustered and stayed still, not knowing what was going on. 

"Oikawa... Is it ok for me to- er, kiss you?" he whispered. My cheeks were now a noticeable red color as I stood there trying to process what was happening. "Ah...?"

"You don't have to agree. I'm just asking if I can quickly kiss you. Or we could just leave right now. As I said, I won't pressure you into saying yes." 

I didn't know what to say. Was I just supposed to agree to something like that? It was so sudden I... 

My mouth started moving on it's own before I could make a decision. "If it's quick..." wait! No, I didn't mean to say that. I didn't even get to make a choice yet.

 A smirk danced on his lips and before I knew it they were pressed against mine for about a second or two before he broke away. It all happened so fast I could barely think straight before Iwa-chan turned me around to show all the shocked reactions of the people in the store.

He took my hand and quickly swept me away and back to his car.


Hey I just realized I didn't add an authors note to the last chapter but who actually reads those? Just wanted to say that I started this chapter nine days ago and just now thought of what to write at 4 in the morning and it's now 6. Anyway, this one was really fun to write and I hope you enjoyed it

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