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I sat down on my bed, thinking. Sometimes it's nice just to sit down and think. I looked out the window as my thoughts shifted to Oikawa. I still won't forgive myself for what I did to him but... maybe this is a selfish thought, but I still like him. I don't know what I should do about it, I already apologized, but is apologizing really enough? 

I don't know what to do about any of this. I just kind of... want him to trust me again, I guess. Or maybe something else. I don't know. Hmm, maybe I should ask the internet? 

Once again, I took out my laptop and started typing random things into the search bar.

I like somebody but I don't think they trust me

How to get someone to trust you

How do I apologize

What do I do if I like someone a lot

How to get someone to like you back

hejfiehiahdifhai AhhhHhkh akfhdkahkfadoo

I want to say sorry to someone close to me because I broke their trust

I just typed in random things and scrolled through the internet for about an hour going through websites and clicking on links. I found some information that could maybe be useful about my current situation. I needed to start doing this as soon as possible. Wait. Did that mean... do I have to be nice to Oikawa? I could try but I don't think I could do much. Just thinking about it made my cheeks a little warmer.

I heard a loud sound and flinched. I looked out the window to see it had started raining and lightning seemed to be striking outside as well. Oh well, guess I'll just have to walk to school in the rain if it didn't stop by morning.

I could hear the loud sounds of the rain pouring cold water outside. I remember something about Oikawa saying how he liked the rain because it was peaceful to him. I have to admit, rainy weather isn't terrible. I could see why he would like it.

I shivered. I don't know why but I felt like I was outside in the rain, the cold engulfing me. I decided to lay down on my bed and wrap the blanket around me. I looked at the time and my eyes opened wide. I should go to sleep, I can't stay up too late otherwise it could affect my performance in volleyball.

I lay there with my eyes open for a few more seconds, before they started to shut, and darkness engulfed me.


If you can't tell I wrote those last 4 paragraphs so I could add more in to this chapter so it's not as boring. Although it still is boring. But I guess I did mean to write the rain part because first off I want to do something with the rain and second I wish it was raining right now...

~Winter~ IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now