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Iwa-chan and I were sitting next to a frozen lake and staring into the ice water at our shivering reflections. It was actually me who was shivering more, Iwa-chan didn't seem to be bothered by the cold all that much. He looked over to see me shivering, and grabbed his sweatshirt, pulling it off of himself. 

"Here, take it." he offered it to me. 
I stared at it, my heartbeat picking up it's pace. Iwa-chan was so kind. I loved him, but of course I couldn't tell him that, I felt like he was going to reject me if I did.

"Thank you, Iwa-chan!" My hands shook as I took what was in his hand, pulling it over my head. I instantly felt warmer. Iwa-chan stared at me for what seemed like an hour. He finally spoke. "It looks good on you,".

I was taken aback by what he said. I felt my face start to turn red, although I couldn't see it, I could tell from how flustered I was getting. I didn't know how to respond, so I just stared into the lake, not wanting to make eye contact with Iwa-chan. I felt someone getting closer to me, so I turned my head around and Iwa-chan had his face really close to mine. Why was he so close? I then realized what was going on. Instead of freaking out and pushing him away, I let him get closer to me. When he was close enough that I could feel him breathing on my face, He put one hand on my arm and the other on my shoulder, inching closer until he closed the gap between us. 

At this point my heart was pounding so hard against my chest that I felt it was going to pop out. I kissed Iwa-chan back, awkwardly putting my arms around his neck. I honestly didn't know what I was doing, but I was happy to be here in this moment with my childhood crush. 

He pulled away, staring into my eyes, not talking. It was a really long time that he was staring at me, and during that time, I was studying all the little details in his emerald green eyes. I could still feel my face burning, remembering his hot breath against my cold skin, creating a sensation in my stomach that made me feel kind of good. Just thinking about that made me blush harder, causing Iwa-chan to laugh. He looked away from me and focused his attention on what was in front of him, still holding a smile on his face. I couldn't take it, just looking at him made me feel all warm inside. 

I looked over at his hand, and slowly moved mine towards his, hoping he wouldn't mind. He looked over at what I was doing. I quickly pulled my hand back, embarrassed he saw that. 

Iwa smiled and slowly reached his hand for mine. I let him take it, he lightly grabbed it and inhaled slowly, staring at our surroundings as he squeezed my hand tighter. I didn't know what to say, so I sat there quietly, looking down at the ground while my heart was trying to escape my rib cage. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.


That's all for this chapter. It's definitely just the beginning of the story though.

Yeah so I got something on my recommendations on YouTube, it was a song and you can probably guess what it was just from this chapter.

Iwaoi is my Haikyuu otp so I've wanted to make a story about them for a while.

I delayed it because I was making a Kagehina story but whatever I can continue writing that later right? 

Also I'm probably going to write all the chapters before releasing them, ok have a good day/night

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