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I hesitantly walked over to the classroom. It was just yesterday that I got my heart shattered into a billion pieces, but it felt like it had been years. When I sat down at my seat, it somehow felt colder than it was before. I don't know, I just felt like I was the only one there in the classroom. I could hear Iwa-ch- Iwaizumi and Hiromi talking behind me. Their voices sounded a lot louder than they usually did, and I could hear both of them laughing about something together. There was a sudden commotion in the classroom as everyone rushed to where the two were talking. I slightly moved my head to see what was going on behind me. Everyone was being very loud so I could hear their conversation perfectly.

"Ah! I'm so happy for you! I knew you guys were made for each other since day one." some random girl stated.
"Oh, yeah. Haha, we kind of started dating just yesterday," these were words that came out of Iwaizumi's mouth. 

I swallowed, biting my lip and turning around, trying not to cry. I continued listening. 

"When's the wedding?" someone teased.

Ok, at this point I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and left the room in a hurry, nobody noticed me or seemed to care about where I was going. I finally made it to my destination: the bathroom. I quickly hurried inside and slumped against the wall. Of course they were dating. And of course everyone in the class seemed to have wanted them together for so long, they were just made for each other, weren't they? Everyone loved Hiromi. She was everything I wasn't. Super pretty, fun to hang out with, and a really nice person that everyone could get along with. I was just popular with the ladies because of my looks and the fact that I was on the volleyball team. 

I sat there sulking in the corner, my back against the cool texture of the walls, my tears rocked my entire body. After a while, I calmed down, wiped all my tears off my face, and stared at myself in the mirror. I stared at my ugly reflection for about five minutes before finally deciding to leave. When I came back to the classroom, the teacher still wasn't there yet. I was glad. Right as I sat down, the teacher walked in. Oh, that was close, I was almost late.


I decided to just ignore everyone. I sat alone in the class, ate lunch with myself, and basically didn't interact with anyone. Nobody seemed to notice or care so it didn't really matter. 

I had been doing this for three weeks, eventually not being able to sleep at night and slipping in and out of consciousness during class. I was sleep deprived and emotionless, and just because some guy broke my heart. How funny. I don't think I can even remember his name anymore, or maybe I just don't want to think about it. 



I've started to not care about anything. Everything just kind of feels bland and I can't enjoy anything like I used to. They gave me a suspension from the volleyball club for a month. They told me it was suppose to be a break and I needed it because I wasn't "acting like myself". I don't know what they could've meant, I think my performance in volleyball was still good. I might've accidentally hit Iwaizumi with the volleyball more than I could count, but it was his fault he was standing right there.

"I'm... I- my mom... she-she died!" I heard someone crying, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked behind me to see a bunch of people gathered around Hiromi.

"My parents... they're divorced and so now- now I have to live with my dad. I have to move to a different city." she kept on crying.

"I'm so sorry Iwaizumi. I can't have a relationship with my dad around, I have to break up with you." 

I turned my head back around. Oh, so is that what was going on? Ok then, I guess Hiromi was moving and breaking up with her boyfriend. That's tragic. Huh, I wonder if there's actually any reason to live anymore. I don't really care. We're all going to die one day anyway. I'll just stop thinking about it. 

The bell rang and everyone left the classroom. I slowly got up and walked out of the classroom. I packed up all of my things at my locker and shut it. I saw something in the corner of my eye. Oh. It was Iwaizumi and Hiromi. She was still crying and it looked like he was comforting her. Oh well, things just happen in life without anyone wanting them to. 

I walked back home alone in the cold rain. If this was last month, me and Iwaizumi would have been walking home together, and he would have dropped me off at my house. But it's not like that anymore. I need to stop thinking about him, the whole purpose of me ignoring him was to forget.

~two days later~

Hiromi left the other day. Everyone was crying except for me. I'm just an emotionless wreck at this point. A few people actually noticed me, and they were all getting mad at me because I wasn't crying, or didn't seem to be sad about it. I don't really think I have any tears left in me, but one of them broke my knee. And all because I didn't show just a little bit of emotion. Oh well. 

Today I decided to go to the forest after school. I hadn't gone in a really long time and that place seemed to calm me down. I limped through the trees until I got to a clearing. It was a tiny ledge that had a river right next to it. It was kind of slippery so it was easy to fall into, but I was careful. I sat down, staring into the river. There I saw my reflection. I looked terrible. There was absolutely nothing written on my face, and to be honest, it was kind of scary. 

Suddenly a tiny rat appeared right next to me, I swear it came out of nowhere. I retreated back slowly, and I felt my hand slip and my body toppled over the edge of the tiny cliff. I felt my hand scrape against some sort of sharp object, and my head hit something that was hard and bumpy, and then my whole body plummeted into the salty water. I closed my eyes. I was probably going to die.


Yeah I was planning to make Oikawa fall off the edge of a river thingy, but I didn't mean to make him that sad. Oops. Oh well, I guess I was just tired. Or maybe it's because it's 4 am and I feel emotionless right now due to the fact that I haven't gotten sleep in months. 

It's fine. Have a good day/night and please sleep don't do what I did I'm just sad and for some reason reading/writing about other peoples happiness is like a coping mechanism. Idk. Hope you enjoy the next chapter :)

~Winter~ IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now