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I grabbed my backpack and other stuff from my locker and closed it shut. Everyone else except for me and Oikawa had left the school already, since I had to help the Janitor put his supplies back in his closet and Oikawa had offered to help. He got his stuff and smiled at me "Iwa-chan! Let's go," I looked behind him and realized his locker was still open. What a dumbass.

I reached over behind him to shut his locker. After I had closed it I realized I was standing over him, trapping him in front of the lockers. He seemed to have noticed too, and just as he was about to leave, I reached my other arm out and put it on the left side of the lockers, trapping him completely. I didn't mean to do that, my arm just kind of moved on it's own...

I guess I had to do something since we were both now stuck in this situation.

"My bad," I said before letting go of the lockers only to trap him again when he tried to leave. It  was kind of fun being able to tease him like this. 

"Iwa-chan can you move your hands," he said, trying to move somehow. 

"Ah, ok. Sorry," I said, moving my hands out of his way. He quickly walked away from me, forcing me to run to catch up with him. 

We left the school to find it was raining and stood at the entrance for a while proceeding to walk in the rain. Neither of us had an umbrella so we were getting soaked. We approached Oikawa's house, and before I could refuse, he dragged me inside, handing me a towel. We were standing in the middle room, drying ourselves from the rain that had been outside. I looked over at Oikawa and realized we were both still wearing our school uniforms, and I suddenly got an idea. A really stupid idea.

I walked towards him as he continued drying himself off. He turned to see me walking in his direction. "Hey Iwa-chan-" I grabbed his tie and he fell backwards, me falling with him. We landed on the couch and I stared down at him, still holding onto his tie. His face went completely red, to my amusement.

 "Shittykawa, do you realize how hot you look with your hair wet?" I asked, just inches away from his face. 

I inched closer to him, close enough that he'd be able to feel me breathe on his face. I realized that I still grabbed his tie, so I pulled on it, making his face so close to mine that our noses were practically touching. As his eyes darted around the room, I stared at his lips. They looked perfect, just like everything else about him.

"You're a literal living piece of art," I spoke in a quiet voice. I wasn't too good with compliments. 

Oikawa still didn't say anything. He had his eyes closed and I could clearly see the huge blush on his cheeks which grew increasingly red.

I decided to compliment him more until he decided to speak.

"Your face is so cute when you blush, y'know," I chuckled.

Oikawa slowly opened his eyes and stared right into mine, not taking them off.

"Iwa-chan... what are you doing?" he asked after a few seconds of staring into my eyes. 

"What, you like it?" I said, causing Oikawa to push me off the couch and onto the floor. Now he was on top of me.

"When did I not?" he answered, causing me to pull his tie down until we were almost kissing. "Can I?" I asked. Oikawa nodded, and I pulled his tie down even more, causing our lips to connect. I turned him around and was now the one who was on top of him because I wanted to be the one holding him down. When we let go of each other, I fell onto Oikawa and we just lay on the floor next to the couch, doing nothing in particular. 

I moved my hand up to Shittykawa's hair, it was still kind of wet from the rain so I spent the next 10 minutes playing with it until I heard the sound of a doorbell. We both got up and I sat on the couch, while Oikawa went and answered the door.

"Hello, Tooru. I'm home,"
"Hi, mom,"

"Hi, Iwaizumi, did you come to visit Tooru?"
"Yeah, it was fun being here with him while it lasted but I'll have to go now,"

"Alright, be careful in the rain,"
"I will, thank you,"

I left the house and closed the door behind me, starting to walk to my own, the rain being less intense than it was before.


I tried to make this chapter interesting so I hope I did well on that and if I didn't, I'll just have to read more fanfics ahahdkahdk also I have decided the lady with short blonde hair is named Karen because why not

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