"Who the hell is Rakell?"

"I told the interior designer my daughter's name was Raquel but I didn't spell it," Rick explained.

"Did you pick up someone you drove past under the highway?"

"I also told her my daughter was mixed. I guess...she thought. I don't know. I'm having the painters come back and re-do it." I rolled my eyes and kept my mouth shut about that one. He should fire that designer though.

      The room held a fluffy white bassinet, a wooden Victorian style crib, a leather recliner and a daybed that was covered with stuffed animals. I stepped out of my heels, relishing in the feel of the soft carpet under my toes. The room even had a skylight. For the life of me, I didn't understand why Rocky's room had a bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub and a shower stall.

        Rick led us to the master bedroom but I wanted to stay in Rocky's palace. We totally passed over the other bedroom on this floor. Rick said it wasn't anything special but I didn't believe him.


     I was speechless inside the master suite. The heavy white wooden double doors should have tipped me off that I was walking into something spectacular. This room had it's own living room lounge area off to the side with a flat screen TV, a L-shaped oversized couch- Rick knew I loved those- and a coffee table. The room had a modern sleek look due to the chrome and black color scheme.

        Rick sat down on the biggest bed I had ever seen in my life. It had to be custom made. One small problem I had with the room was the stripper pole that was coming down from the ceiling a few feet away from the bed. I don't mess with those anymore.

"Hold her." I handed Rocky over to Rick and dropped the baby bag on the floor so I could explore the room further.

        The walk in closet on the far right side of the room reminded me of Kyle Richard's closet that I saw on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It had the jewelry display cases with multiple drawers in the middle of the room. Lining the walls were different sections and hangers waiting to be filled with my stuff. There was even a make-up station with a large mirror surrounded by vanity lights and I think I spotted brand new make-up brushes.

        Coming out of the closet, I laid down on the bed next to Rick. I'd have to explore the rest of the room later. The luxury was beginning to overwhelm me. Rick was on his back and had Rocky slobbering on his chest. Using my hand, I wiped away some of her drool. Even the charcoal bedspread we laid on felt soft and high quality.

"Your house is gorgeous."

"Thanks," he mumbled.

        He played listlessly with Rocky's fingers. She was feeding off his vibes and had her bottom lip slightly pouted. Her head dropped down on his chest as she wiggled her little body.

        I sat up and pulled one side over of my nursing top exposing my bare breast. Placing one of the pillows on my lap, I grabbed Rocky from Rick and positioned her so she could eat. Rick's eyes latched on tighter than Rocky's mouth did to my boob.

"How did you afford this house?" I thought a conversation would make this less awkward.

He sighed, rubbing his gloomy eyes. "I have a job," he said with sarcasm. "And I sold my other properties."

"I still can't believe you had all those other houses and didn't tell me."

"My parent's have a lot of real-estate. They gave me a house when I turned eighteen, when I graduated college and when I turned twenty-five. It's the same way for Matthew and Elaine."

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