Chapter 27: Truth Hurts

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Chapter 27

"You might win some but you just lost one" Lauryn Hill - Lost Ones

We'd been driving for a while. Made one stop already so I could breastfeed and change Rocky. She loved the car and slept most of the ride. Rick still wouldn't tell me where we were going.

He packed the baby bag full of diapers, clothes and toys. He took all the milk I had saved up in a container too. Rocky had enough supplies for a few days. When I asked him about it he said he wanted to be prepared.

Rick had been smiling since he woke up in the morning. An excited nervous energy surrounded him as he drove. He kept switching hands on the steering wheel.

I looked down at my leg when he squeezed my knee...again. During most of the drive his hand would find it's way to my knee, up my thigh before he'd place it back on the wheel. His excitement made me nervous. I'd feel much better if he would keep his hands to himself and tell me where we were going.

Just when I began to ask him again he pulled into a familiar long circular driveway. My jaw dropped staring at the gigantic house I never thought I'd see again.

"Rick no," I pleaded, feeling my heart in my throat. "No. We're not going in there."

"Come on Sweets," he laughed but I was dead serious. He got out and went to the trunk, fumbling around. I hoped this wasn't the reason he packed so much stuff because Rocky was not staying here.

Rick opened the back door; I turned around seeing him take my baby out of her car seat. "You might as well stop. She's not going in there," I stated firmly.

"Calm down." The bright smile never left his face. Rick strapped Rocky into a brand new pink and black stroller. She was nestled down into the padded seat with the hood pulled over blocking the majority of her body. The baby seat was set up to face the handle bars so Rocky could see all the funny faces Rick was making.

I hated that he wasn't listening to me.

Unbuckling my seatbelt, I opened the door. "I'm not going in that house and neither is my child." Rick looked down at his watch then started pushing the stroller towards the house. He had the stuffed baby bag on his shoulder.

I jumped out the car to follow after him. This was crazy and slightly disrespectful. "You're not listening to me." His steps were confident and had a bounce to them. "Rick," I called out without a response.

My shoulders slumped in defeat. Closing the car door, I walked along the cobblestone pathway. Rick stood at the front door waiting for me. He extended the baby bag out towards me when I got close enough. Pouting, I put it on my shoulder and crossed my arms.

"Elle don't come in my parents house with an attitude."


He stepped closer, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Your parents have met Rocky. I want to give my parents the same opportunity," he explained. My mom had been around Rocky but my dad was refusing to see her. He let me know he didn't support my reckless choices.

I sighed and forced a fake smile on my face. Rick's own face brightened back up. He turned around to the front door, taking his keys out of his pocket. Once he opened the door, I pushed the stroller inside slowly. I remembered how cautious Elizabeth was about her floors.

"Mom?" Rick called out into the large foyer.

"I'm in the sitting room dear."

I followed Rick as he walked further into the house. We turned a corner, suddenly on a beige carpet. I looked down at the wheels of the stroller to be sure they weren't leaving a dirt streak. There was none.

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