Chapter 24: Cries

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Chapter 24

"The most beautiful-est thing in this world / Is Daddy's little girl" Jay-Z - Glory

•Rick's POV•

Opening up a fresh page in my journal, I pulled out a sharpened pencil from my desk drawer. My thoughts flowed from the lead tip onto the blank pages. What started out as a single letter assigned from my psychologist, turned into a daily routine.

Most pages had the same theme of one sweet woman who kept invading my thoughts. Lately, she and her daughter stayed on my mind. Although three weeks passed, I still thought it was too soon to call.

Maybe next week.

"This may be hard for you to accept but I don't want to talk to you. That isn't a desire of mine anymore."

I know she was in labor when she said those words but her voice held so much conviction. I had to give her space. She wanted a divorce. She was done with me.

I didn't get a chance to meet her daughter. After she was born, the doctor had to rush her to the NICU and then I left first thing in the morning. I couldn't handle seeing the child my Sweets had with another man. Not yet. Maybe when our divorce was finalized. ...Or later.

There were a series of short knocks on my door before I heard Elaine ask, "Can I come in?" Ignoring her, I focused on finishing up the current entry.

The door opened and Elaine entered my room just as I was ending the last sentence.

"Hey Maverick," she greeted cheerily, sitting on the throw-covered bench at the end of my bed.

"Get out."

"I need a favor-"

"No." I cut her off and stood up, preparing to kick her out my room.

"Wait, I'm going to Connecticut to visit Elle and I want you to come with me."


"Stop being a mean grouch," she whined in her annoying high-pitched voice. "She brought the baby home from the hospital like a day ago." My heart tugged but I didn't show it.

"Get out," I repeated.

"Come see the baby. You were there when she was born, aren't you curious."

"Why would I be curious about my ex-wife's kid?"

"Because you're still in love with her," she smirked. I tensed seeing the mischievous grin on my idiot sister's face.

Ever since that one conversation I had with her while driving to Elle's party, Elaine had this crazy notion that we're peers or something. I was so excited to see Elle that I kept talking about her and shared happier memories but those times are over.

"Get the fuck out my room," I warned one last time, standing near my open door.

Elaine bit her thumbnail as her gaze lingered on my navy carpet. What was taking her so long to leave me alone?

She groaned, standing up. "I can't say why but you really need to come with me."


"You're so stubborn," she pouted, crossing her arms. "If you visit Elle and the baby with me I promise I'll leave you alone for a week." She took sluggish steps towards my door.

"Make it ten years and we have a deal."

"Maverick!" Gosh, I hated that name. Especially when it's coming from her whiny mouth. "Elle asked for you," she blurted, stopping me from closing the door in her face. "She was too shy to call you herself but she asked me to ask you. And she didn't want me to tell you that she asked."

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