Chapter 16 Part 2: Birthday Aftermath

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Chapter 16 Part 2

"All of these things people told me / Keep messing with my head / You should've picked honesty / Then you may not have blown it" Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River

"I love you."

That single phrase hung in the air as his lips continued their journey down to my jewel. Why would he say something like that- especially during happy time? Those words acted like immediate mood killer.

Joe spread my legs wider, preparing to dine but I sat up, stopping him. We had to at least acknowledge and discuss this new element he introduced. We agreed to have fun and take things one day at a time but love? Love is a whole new ballgame. And it's way too soon.


"What's wrong?" Joe asked. His hands were still on the inside of my thighs, dangerously close to a sensitive spot and if his thumb moved a fraction of an inch I would forget my train of thought.

"You love me?"

He nodded. His eyes were fixated on my breast while his fingers stayed pretty active. I dropped back on the bed when he slipped a single digit in, letting a loud moan escape. He clearly was not playing fair.

"," he added another finger, bringing his lips down to cover my pearl. "Can't...lov-oh gosh," I moaned louder. I placed my hand on his head, initially trying to push him away. But my hand somehow repositioned itself to the back of his head, urging him to continue. I didn't want to hurt Joe but I couldn't love him. My heart still belonged to my husband even though I knew we could never be anything again.

* * *

The annoying buzz of my cell phone vibrating against the nightstand woke me out my sleep. I covered my head with the pillow, wiggling to get comfortable again.

"Babe, are you gonna get that," Joe groaned, pushing my shoulder.

"Leave me alone," I whined. He took the pillow from my head, nudging me again.

"Elle," he stated, bringing out his stern voice. With my eyes still closed, I patted the nightstand trying to feel my phone. "Elle. Pick up-"

"Joseph leave me the hell alone."

Thankfully, he stopped his harassment. The buzzing also stopped. Relieved, I let my self drift off.

"Hello?" I heard Joe say right before a loud screech. "Yeah. Hold- She's right- Hold-"

I turned over to look at Joe and saw my iPhone up to his ear while he tried to speak with whoever was yelling. It pissed me off that he would answer my phone. I snatched the device from his hand putting it up to my ear.

"What," I snapped.

"Sissy," Elaine sobbed. "S-sissy can you come over." Elaine's crying voice was ice water to my system. Rick left her at the party after our argument. Since she'd met Tay a few times in the past she went home with her even though Joe offered to let her stay with us in his apartment. Sending her with my brother was out of the questions for many different reasons.

"What happened?"

"Sissy. P-please."

"Are you okay? Tell me why you're crying?" Joe was still sitting up looking concerned.

"B-because I feel so stupid. I'm so stupid. I had sex and-and now Ty probably thinks I'm a ho. But I'm not Elle, I'm not a ho."

No she didn't call me at 2am with this bullshit.

"Elaine, I'll have to call you back later, okay?"

"No," she whined. Her cries mixed with sobs and hiccups. She kept talking but I couldn't grab any words. I rolled my eyes and covered the phone's speaker.

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