Chapter 6: Skye?

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Chapter 6

"If you keeping your promise, I'm keeping mine" Beyoncé - Jealous

Enough is enough. I couldn't continue to be stubborn and not talk to my husband. This has gone on for too long. Two weeks. No kisses, no conversations, no nothing and I was sick of it. So when my eyes popped open at 6am, I decided to make the first move. I rolled out of our California King sized bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and quickly wash up. Ain't no way I was going to talk to my husband after two weeks being funky.

After freshening up and putting on some panties and a bra, I walked down the hall to the guestroom that Rick was staying in. I didn't bother to knock. His shirtless body sprawled out across the full sized mattress warmed my heart.

Has he been having trouble sleeping?

I know it was hard for me to get through the full night without my baby next to me. I crawled on the bed carefully, not wanting to startle or wake him just yet. He was on lying on his stomach with his head turned to the side so I rubbed his back gently then kissed his pink lips that I missed so much. I could feel my heart swell when I saw a hint of a smile. He stirred a bit in his sleep causing me to rub his back even slower.

"Mm Skye," he whispered.

If it was possible to feel the earth stop, then that's how I felt. My entire world stopped. He was still smiling and snuggled deeper into the bed. I felt lost. No, no, no, no. This can't be happening. I stared at him for a minute more praying he'd laugh or open his eyes to say he was joking but the longer he didn't the more I felt my heart break.

This isn't happening. No way. I hurried out of the guestroom and into the workout room. I powered on the treadmill and began to run as fast as I could Let it all be a misunderstanding. Let it all be a mistake. Just God please not let it be what I think it is.

I was rushing doing 90mph on the highway. I'd finished my exams early because my mom wanted me home to for my niece's christening. Rick was graduating today at 3:00pm and there was no way that I was missing it. As soon as I watched the priest pour the anointed water on Malaysia's head and bless her to the congregation I was out of there. I know my older sister Michelle was probably pissed that I didn't stay and go to our parent's house for the family gathering but my baby was graduating. Double majoring in Finance and Accounting, already had a job offer and acceptance into an MBA program- I was a proud girlfriend to say the least, a proud speeding girlfriend. I know Rick didn't think I was going to make it especially with the christening and commencement on the same day. I also know he was sour about me not being there which was even more of a reason to come.

Plus, Michelle could kiss my ass. She made me godmother and had me buy every damn thing for Malaysia: the dress, the shoes, the decorations at the house, the food...every thing. I did my part. She should've made our younger sister Trichelle godmother, anyway. Or made our younger brother godfather. Hell, anybody but me. I barely liked Michy or her spoiled ass children.

I was close to 45minutes late but I didn't miss the important part. I had to sit near the entrance on one the few bleachers with space. It was crowed in the McGuirk Alumni Stadium. I kept my eyes alert looking for those emerald orbs that I loved but I couldn't see much beyond the black graduation caps. When the president of the college announced Maverick Nathanial Dawson, I stood, cheered and clapped loudly. I knew a few people were looking at me but so what, my baby graduated.

After the ceremony, I weaved through the crowds of graduates to find Rick's family. I finally found them standing together near one of the exits. I breathed out in relief but didn't get too close. His mother, father, brother and sister were smiling seemingly happy and proud, I didn't want to ruin the moment with my presence. Rick's parents didn't exactly warm up to me the first, and only, time we met.

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