Chapter 4

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You come to as the ship comes out of lightspeed, your body slams forward against the restraints, jolting you awake.

"What'd I miss?" You ask the droid who's been piloting the ship for stars knows how long.

In front of you, you see a familiar expanse of greenery. S2 had piloted you back to the rebel base on D'Qar. Your mouth splits into a grin as the droid beeps in response.

"I can see that, thank you S2. You've done incredibly. I couldn't have done this mission without you," You say in appreciation towards the droid, and it chirps happily.

You pilot the craft through a dense forest, smiling at the familiar greens. The Resistance base is hidden within a thick forest, the main hanger being in a dark cave with an extravagance of vines covering the entrance.

You lock your eyes on the small opening, you make sure to wave at the crew member watching your arrival from the disguised tower in a particularly tall tree. Your head aches and it hurts to lift up your right arm, but you manage to land the craft in the Resistance's large hangar with no problem.

Immediately, several crews run out to the ship and you struggle to push the heavy hatch open, finding it difficult to stand. You realize that you're still wearing your obnoxious outfit from Canto Bight and you have to laugh at some of the crew member's reactions to your attire.

"Y/L/N!" You hear a familiar voice yell as you hop off the last rung on the ladder leading from the cockpit.

Your head spins from the impact with the ground, you clutch your right side with your left hand as Poe pushes through the small crowd that has assembled at your arrival and you smile wider, almost running into his strong embrace.

"What the hell happened to your face?" He questions, pulling back from the hug and grabs your face gently, his chocolate eyes examining the new wound.

"Long story, I need to see the General," You state and he nods, moving aside.

You take off the ridiculous heels and begin to walk towards General Organa's quarters as people begin to almost swarm you, asking questions about the mission and why you looked the way you did. You ignored all of them, half tempted to Force push the entirety of the congregation away from you for some space. Your head starts to feel light and your steps become less sure.

Poe wraps his arm around your waist in support and looks at you concernedly. "I think you need to see a medic, Y/N," He says as he observes your sloppy movements.

"I'm fine," You assure him, trying to focus on walking. Your left foot snags on your right pant leg and you stumble forward, almost falling to the ground as Poe secures his grip on your waist.

Your face flushes in embarrassment realizing that half the base just saw you collapse.

You're supposed to be strutting into the com center with the triumph of another mission successfully under your belt, not tripping on your pants.

"No you're not. We need a medic!" He yells towards the crowd, or at least you think it was towards the crowd. Your vision blacks out and you begin to fall as you slip from consciousness again.


You slowly peel your eyes open, shutting them almost immediately from the harsh light above you.

There's an undetermined heaviness sinking on your chest with each passing moment, despite not knowing what's going on.

You take a moment to observe your surroundings, the soft but consistent beeping emitting from the machine beside you that has a thin wire connected to your wrist.

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