Chapter 37

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You abandoned your shoes in your quarters, and you've never felt more thankful for the frequent floor cleaning as you jog quickly to Kylo's place.

The more time that has gone by, the more your head continues to ache and your cheek throbs annoyingly.

The door slides open and you walk into his quarters, thanking the stars that it's still early enough in the morning to get a decent amount of sleep.

Your feet drag with every step and your neck slowly leaks drops of blood as you enter his room, but his bed is empty.


Maybe you should go to a medic...

You trudge slowly out of his quarters and let out a dissatisfied 'hmph' at your situation.

You haven't had the time to memorize the pathways of this ship, thank the stars that you had been to the medic once before.

The cold sensation of the polished floors colliding gently with your bare feet makes you uneasy, this is incredibly unprofessional of you.

Who cares, you're Supreme Leader Palpatine.

Passing stormtroopers don't dare to move their masks in your direction as you continue your trek.

You must look horrifying, with a bruised cheekbone and a gash across your throat.

After a while, you finally make it to the medical ward.

The white fluorescent's beat down on you in a comforting manner as you stumble lightly across the entryway, approaching the front desk.

A tired nurse sits behind the desk, typing quickly into a computer, before looking up at you and gasping.

"Supreme Leader Palpatine, what happened?" She asks delicately as she moves around the desk and ushers for you to follow her.

"Not important, I don't think the injuries are that bad either, I just don't want them to get infected," You tell her as you stifle a yawn.

"Please take a seat," She requests, gesturing towards a bed in a private room.

You sit silently for a while as a droid probes around the injuries, spraying disinfectant and stitching up the wound across your neck.

After a while, you lose focus of your surroundings and begin to drift off into a deep seed of thought.

Your heart begins to ache subtly and you can feel tears developing as you realize you completely abandoned Rey for weeks with no communication. You barely even gave her a goodbye.

Finn is probably worried sick about you, and Poe. Finn didn't betray you though.

You had thought that over time, your anger towards Leia and Poe would have diminished. And yet, it feels all the more intense as the weeks here have passed.

A particularly deep stitching maneuver causes you to flinch slightly.

Does Leia know you helped Kylo destroy the temple?

A foreign yet not unfamiliar sensation begins to creep out of the hallows of your being. You're homesick.

The sound of yelling wakes you from your daze, causing a different unsettling feeling to run across your body.

Almost expectedly, Kylo bursts through the door to your room with nothing but rage covering his face.

His eyes meet yours and his expression melts into one of relief.

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