Chapter 52

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You wake as the shuttle softly lands, your eyes taking an extraordinarily long time to acclimate to the bright light slowly seeping into the cabin from the opening door.

"Good morning, ma belle," Kylo says softly.

You pick your head up off his shoulder and place your feet on the ground.

"Where are we?" You ask him groggily, looking toward his own fatigued features.

He smiles slightly and stands while stretching his arms, "Home, for now. I think you'll like it."

Kylo extends his hand, helping you stand as you get your bearings.

There's something unmistakable in the air, a moisture in the air, the scent of newly bloomed millaflowers, of fresh water and clean sunlight.

As the two of you walk out of the spacecraft, your eyes adjust to the bright atmosphere of the Naboolian lake country.

You smile widely despite your tiredness.

Your eyes shift quickly to the gargantuan mansion in front of you. Subtle erosion has barely tainted the appearance of the grandiose house, doing very little to take away from the beauty.

To your right, a lake stretching as far as you can see with vibrant emerald mountains swarmed with cambilyctus trees rising around the deep blue water.

To your left, plains intermingling with waterfalls, drastically overshadowed by the myriad of colors projected from the wildflowers overgrowing throughout the flats.

"Why haven't you take me here sooner?" You ask genuinely, never turning your focus from the overwhelming beauty.

It surrounds you, surrounds everything. The purity swaddles you warmly as you begin to blush under the softly beating sun.

You don't have to look at Kylo to know his face matches yours.

"Never found the right time. This is my grandmother's lake house," He tells you.

You hum absentmindedly, moving your gaze to your feet, surrounded by grass and flowers.

Your fingers act without command, gently connecting your digits with the blooming foliage.

"I hate you for hiding this from me," You say jokingly as you waltz forward, senses entangled with the essence of abundance and so much natural grace.

"Shall I give you a tour of the house then?" He questions, strolling behind you.

You look at him with a grin before turning your eyes to the pilot waiting awkwardly on the ship.

"You can reconvene with the First Order, if anyone finds out of our location, I will slaughter your family with you watching," You command.

He grimaces and turns back toward the ship silently, the door sliding up.

"I'm not sure the last time groundskeepers were employed, so it might be a bit... Well, dated," Kylo admits with furrowed brows.

You smile cheekily while snaking your arm through his own, leaning on to him as the two of you begin to walk toward the mansion.

An oh-so comfortable silence holds the both of you, pulses intermingling with invigorated fresh breaths.

Your feet begin to tread on worn marble with vines sneaking through the cracks of tiles and toward the copper-green roof of the building.

"When was the last time you came here?" You ask curiously, trailing a small freckled blarth weaving across the weathered stones.

"When I was 16, I think," He responds absentmindedly.

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