Chapter 34

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An anxious feeling at the pit of your stomach wakes you up from your surprisingly decent slumber.

Kylo remains passed out beside you, with soft snores sounding every few seconds.

You take a few moments to watch him in his sleep, it's the only time he looks like his former self.

A quiet beeping draws you out of your thoughts, turning them towards the ship.

You slink out of the bed slowly to avoid waking up Kylo, then you creep out of the room quietly.

The beeping is emanating from the cockpit of the ship. You waste no time approaching the pilot's seat to learn more.

Before you can even look at the screen, you glance out the window to find a ship larger that you even knew existed lurking in the distance.

"Kylo!" You yell apprehensively.

In a moment, he runs out of the bedroom to meet you. His hair has wound up in a tangled mess, and he has the remnants of drool crusted on his chin.

"What?" He asks confusedly before following your gaze. "That's the Supremacy, we must have been asleep for a lot longer than anticipated. Get ready, I'm sure they've already got a tractor beam locked on us."

Thank the stars you woke up when you did, Snoke's officers finding you and Ren cuddled up surely would not be good.

You look around the ship, wondering what you could do to prepare for what's about to happen.


It takes a few seconds to locate your boots, and even more time to tie the ridiculous laces.

"I'm keeping your lightsaber, also I have to put force cuffs on you," He explains quickly before throwing a pair of cuffs toward you.

"As long as I get the saber back eventually, I'm good," You tell him honestly as you clip the cuffs onto one wrist.

"No promises," He chimes from the pilot's seat before he mutters some words into the com system.

You stand behind him awkwardly, unsure what to do.

"Oh, also, the droid was able to put some stitches on your head, try not to bust it open again any time soon," He quips as the ship is directed toward a large hangar full of presumably similar ships.

Even the hangar is bigger than Kylo's star destroyer.

Your stomach rolls in anxiety and excitement, waiting eagerly to destroy Snoke for everything he has ever done to you.

The ship hits the ground smoothly, Kylo reaches toward you and fastens the second cuff around your other wrist, temporarily disposing you.

Your eyes meet in an understanding yet desperate connection.

His hands linger around your wrists as you watch each other silently, sharing unspoken words.

He drops his hands and turns away from you meekly.

"I apologize in advance for how I'm about to treat you," He says quietly while walking you towards the ramp.

He places his mask over his face, hiding his emotions and identity.

Maybe you should've stuck with the mask bit...

"I get it," You respond cooly.

He stops walking and looks at you through the icy glare of his mask.

"I don't think you do," He tells you cryptically.

His voice shakes mildly, cuing you in on the stress of the situation.

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