Chapter 3

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Your new red heels click obnoxiously against the sleek floor of the casino and you have to hold yourself back from rolling your eyes at the men gawking at your appearance as you saunter through the space.

After pulling a few mind tricks with the store attendants in the upscale, overpriced clothing store, you managed to get appropriately dressed and to the casino just a little after sundown.

You chose a black jumpsuit with flowy material around your legs with large slits that go from the top of your thigh to the bottom of the pant. Your lightsaber is strapped to your right leg via a lace garter belt contraption and hid surprisingly well underneath the loose fabric. The jumpsuit fits nicely around your hips and hugs your chest relatively tightly. The sweetheart neckline with small sleeves that rest on your upper arm pull a lot of unnecessary attention towards your cleavage, but that doesn't bother you too much.

Additionally, you managed to find a black lace mask to cover your mouth and nose, the people around you think it's a fashion statement when it's really just to hide your identity.

You head towards the kiosk towards the back of the casino, Rizz didn't tell you who exactly her informant was, so you had to reach out with the Force until you felt someone with a connection to the mangled woman.

It was hard to establish a connection, your mind was heavily clouded with confusion because of the untimely emergence of the Force connection between you and Kylo Ren. Mental fog aside, you managed to find a trace of a connection with one of the staff manning one of the many kiosks within the casino.

The Force didn't give you much to go off of, all you could really gather was the sound of the informants voice and green eyes. Presumably a man, young and tired.

The black and gold desk shines against the harsh light hanging down above it, illuminating two figures chatting while sorting through papers and chips.

You walk as confidently towards them as you can, trying your best to smile almost seductively beneath the mask.

The pair, one man and one woman both dressed in the white and black suit-like uniforms look up to greet you.

You make eye contact with the man first, your (e/c) eyes locking with his green ones, and they widen at the sight of you.


"Hi, how can we help you this evening?" The woman asks, obviously annoyed with the gentleman's not-so-subtle gawking.

"Hello, a close friend of mine is supposed to be checking in tonight," You say slowly, leaning onto the desk. "I was hoping you could point me in his direction, I want to surprise him."

The girl nods and looks towards the boy, "I have to go run these chips to the other kiosk, can you deal with this?" She asks.

His eyes widen and he pushes his hand through his short strawberry blonde hair.

"Of course, don't take too long though," He responds with a wink and her cheeks flush.

You smile at the interaction, though the familiar weight resumes its residence upon your chest.

"So, this close friend of yours, what's his name?" He asks, pulling up a holopad from behind the desk.

"I think you know," You state as you raise your eyebrows slightly.

He looks at you confusedly for a moment, then nods slowly.

"Right, he checked in around thirty minutes ago, room 5200," The boy says and you grin. "It says here that he stopped by the front desk a few moments ago to pick up some chips. He should be at a roulette table three."

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