Chapter 18

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Warning: this chapter covers over panic attacks! Please don't read if you can't handle it or don't like reading them. That's all, enjoy.

Jisung sighed, mostly from stress but also with relief. Thankfully they talked to Changbin a bit more but the members knew he didn't understand everything. Heck, they all were still learning about Innie and Seungie.

Chan brought up the fact that Changbin didn't always have to slip, rather he goes into littlespace when he needed or wanted. It seemed like a good compromise for his hyung, and he was glad that things seemed to start working out.

Jisung needed to go to the store for some fruit as he wanted to make smoothies.

With a mask on, he made his way to the store and grabbed a basket. He looked around in shock. There were a lot of people in the store today. Granted it was a weekend, but it still didn't add up as to why there were so many people.

Jisung tried to focus on his task, rather than his beating heart. Just focus on the fruit. He put bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries and made his way towards the dairy section.

He regretted it as it seemed so packed. Jisung felt his heart beat harshly as he shakingly opened the door to grab yogurt. He backed away, knocking into someone. "Sorry." He quickly apologized.

"Watch where you're going." The guy went on his day.

Jisung was frozen on the spot. There were too many eyes looking at him. They were all judging him, he felt it. This was bad.

Jisung fast-walked to the restrooms and closed a stall door. Breathe, Jisung. Just breathe.

He was shaking, there was a distant ringing in his ears. He still felt the eyes, all on him. Studying him, waiting for his next slip up. With shaky hands, he quickly got his phone and clicked the first contact, which was Minho as he saved it to his favorites.

"Hello?" Minho answered after two rings.

"H-hyung I n-need you to c-come to the st-store. P-please. There's too many people. They all are-"

"Jisung, stop." Minho cut him off, his voice stern but also calm, "I'm on my way. Just breathe with me. In....and out."

Jisung tried to do so but he started crying, making it harder, "I c-can't Minho. I can't. Please, please come get me. I can't do this. I- I can't breathe."

"Jisung! Baby, it's okay. You're going to be ok. Tell me where you are. I'm almost there, baby."

"B-bathroom." Jisung cried out. "I can't, Minho. I-I-"

"Sssh, baby. I know you can try. Please just try and breathe with me." Minho's voice was calm, which helped a bit but Jisung was way past breathing.

He saw eyes circling him, judging him, suffocating him.

"Get me out, get me out!" He cried, hyperventilating.

He heard the bathroom door fly open and lock, his stall flying open. Two arms surrounded him, he smelt the coffee that Minho always drinks.

"Min-Minho." He got out, gripping his shirt.

"Ssh, no talking. Just focus on me, baby. Think about what you smell, feel, and hear." Minho told him, rubbing a calming hand up and down his back.

Jisung took another sniff to smell the shampoo and conditioner Minho always uses, the small woods smell of his soap. His hands gripped a fuzzy hoodie, probably his blue one. Without realizing it, his breathing slowed to normal as he focused on Minho. Everything Minho.

"There we go." He heard.

"I'm sorry." Jisung pouted.

"Never apologize for who to are, Jisung. I will always be here to help calm you down. I'm so proud of you, baby. You called me and did so well." Minho leaned down to peck his cheek and then smiled towards him, "How about we get you out of here?"

"What about the fruit, though? I wanted to make smoothies." Jisung responded with a pout.

Minho chuckled, "Well, do you think you can make it through the line to buy your groceries? If not, you can go to the car and I can buy them."

Jisung fucking loved Minho. He was too perfect. How was Jisung lucky to have him as a boyfriend?

He smiled at him, "I think I can make it."

Minho looked in his eyes, nothing but love and worry showing in his expression, "Are you sure?"

Jisung nodded, "I'm absolutely sure."

Minho nods back, both washing their hands since they were in the bathroom and opened the door.

Minho carried the basket to the front and waited in the surprisingly short line.

Jisung was unaware that Minho kept side glancing at him to make sure there were any signs of discomfort.

They rang up their items, paid, and finally went to the car Minho drove to get there.

Jisung sighed in relief.

"You alright?" Minho asked.

"Yeah, I just want to go home."

Minho hummed, "Next destination, the dorms!" He exclaimed and drove them back.

It was only a five-minute drive since it was almost down the road from them. Minho parked and the two went inside.

Once the door was opened, the two heard a yell, watching Jeongin run from Seungmin.

Minho noticed that Jisung grew tense, "Boys." He called, making them stop.

"Minmin!" Seungmin smiled.

"Can I ask you guys to pause your game until we get into our room?"

"S-sure m-minha." Jeongin stuttered, trying to say his name. It was adorable to say the least.

The littles sat on the couch as Jisung and Minho took the groceries to the kitchen.

"Want to go to your room? I can put these away."

Jisung let out a light chuckle, "I don't deserve you." He pecked Minho's cheek, "I'll be waiting for cuddles in my room."

Minho nodded, watching his boyfriend make way to his room. Once the door was shut, he let out a sigh.

"Everything okay?" He heard Chan ask. He was watching the two littles from the couch.

"Yeah, Jisung had a panic attack at the grocery store." Minho stated.

Chan seemed shocked, "Is he okay? I mean, he looked it but..."

"I think he's still shook up but I think he'll be ok. I'll keep a good eye on him."

Chan nods, "Keep me updated. Tell him he doesn't have to come to the recording room. I'll just work with Changbin."

Minho nodded and went to Jisung's room to find him under the blankets, already sleeping. Minho let out a quiet chuckle, changed into something more comfortable, and slid under the covers. "I love you so much." He whispered, putting his arm over Jisung and soon falling asleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Stay safe out there. If you want, I'm working on a story called 'Set It Up Cupcake'. It's an original story. Please check it out if you are interested :3 Otherwise, see you guys soon!

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