Chapter 5

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A/N: So this chapter is going to cover some anxiety attacks. It's kinda brief but this chapter is a bit hard to read so make sure you have a stuffie or something to hug. This chapter was so hard to write :(

- Also, in case there are littles reading this, please make sure you're big to read this ^_^

The group was all on edge since it's been a week since the meeting. They started making rules for Jeongin when he slipped but was unsure what to do about Seungmin. Hyunjin kept checking on him but all he usually got was Seungmin telling him to leave him alone.

It started to make everyone worry, especially Jeongin. He sat in his room, looking down at Sparkles. Maybe he shouldn't be a little. That way everyone's happy. Seungmin can be his friend again.

He grabbed Sparkles, going over to Seungmin's room. With a huge breath in and out, he knocked on the door. Seungmin opened it with an annoyed look on his face which changed to shock.

"Jeongin?" He asked.

"C-Can I come in?" Jeongin asked. Seungmin opened the door, closing it to see Jeongin sitting on his bed. Something was off.

"What's wrong?" Seungmin asked.

"I... I came back to give you Sp- I mean your stuffed cat." Jeongin handed Seungmin the kitten.

"Why?" Seungmin asked, a bit concerned that he didn't like the cat.

"I figured... I figured if I stop being a little w-we could be friends again." Jeongin stated, looking down at the cat.

Seungmin's heart broke in a million pieces as his eyes teared up. "I- what?" He didn't even know what to say.

"Please, hyung. I'll stop. I'm sorry if I am weird. It was a phase. I pw-promise. I c-can be a big boy. J-just please don't hate me." Jeongin cried.

Seungmin pulled him into a hug, tears falling down his face, "Jeongin..." He started, unsure of what to do. "You don't have to change."

"I c-can! Hyung, I can. Please, please. I won't be a little. I'll tell Chan to take the toys back. I'm not a little. S-See, I'm just me." Jeongin tried his best to give him a smile.

"Jeongin... please stop. You're going to slip into babyspace at this point. Denying your little side is bad. It's there for you to not worry or stress. I don't hate you or your little side."

"T-then why? Why did you s-say it was weird? Y-you stayed faw away fwom me an' I t'ought you hated me. (You stayed far away from me and I thought you hated me.)" Jeongin cried, slowly slipping into his littlespace.

"I could never hate you, Jeongin. I'm sorry. It just was a shock and I needed time to process things." Seungmin stated.

"B-but why g-gif me Spawkalz?"

Seungmin sighed, "Because I knew it's what you needed."

"Seungie cawegivah? (caregiver)" Jeongin asked, tilting his head.

"Um, no." Seungmin chuckled. "Don't worry about it, little one."

Jeongin gasped, "I-If not cawegivah... T-ten you a liddle like Innie!"

"W-what? No, that's silly." Seungmin played it off.

"M-make sense! Seungie towld me it okay dat I like colow and gave Innie Spawkalz as f-first stuffie." Jeongin started bouncing.

"T-That was a coincidence." Seungmin tried to say.

"Den esplain dat box dere." Jeongin pointed to his box next to his bed. Seungmin cursed that he left it open showing off some of his toys.

"I used to babysit. I kept the stuff." Seungmin lied with ease.

Jeongin pouted, walking over to the stuff taking the toy kitchen set out, "P-pwof it." (Prove it)

Seungmin was hesitant as he knew it was a fifty-fifty chance with his little side. Having Innie here was already a struggle for him. Though, Innie put a plate in Seungmin's hand.

"I m-made you some cupcakes." He smiled.

Seungmin gasped, "S-Seungie likes cupcakes."

Well... that didn't go as planned.

Hyunjin decided to check on Seungmin as it was soon lunch time. The group was looking around for Jeongin, not sure where the boy went to. The older wanted to knock but he knew the boy would probably tell him off.

So, he opened the door that was surprisingly left unlocked for once only to stop dead in his tracks. There in front of him, he saw Jeongin and Seungmin looking up at him with a toy kitchen and tea set in between them.

Seungmin quickly stood up, "H-he sl-ipped i-into lid-little space and I w-was just pw-playing with him." He stuttered, his tone cutting between his normal tone and a tinier playful tone.

Jeongin gasped, "Nod twu! You pwayin' wit Innie, Seungie!" He pouted.

Hyunjin had a feeling Seungmin was lying. So, he decided to play his cards on a risky line. "Seungie, tell me the truth."

Seungmin gasped, looking at him in shock, "It is da twuth, Seungie just pwaying with Innie because he slipped a-and... and..." Seungmin started crying, gripping his head as he curled up.

Jeongin quickly crawled over to him, "Seungie, it otay!"

"STOP! Don't call me that!" Seungmin yelled, pushing Jeongin away from him, causing the boy to start crying.

"Seungmin!" Hyunjin gripped his arm to bring him back. The boy struggled to get away, crying hysterically.

"L-let go!" He cried.

By this time, Chan came to see what the ruckus was. He misjudged the whole situation, thinking Seungmin said something to Jeongin. He went over, scooping up Jeongin, "Seungmin, what did you do?" He asked.

"Hyung, calm down." Hyunjin stated, knowing Seungmin was not in the right state of mind right now.

"Calm down? He hurt Innie. I'm not going t-"

"I DIDN'T DO IT! H-he made me s-slip. STOP! Let me go!" Seungmin cried, trying to get his hand free.

"Slip?" Chan whispered.

Seungmin bit Hyunjin's arm, making him let go and he ran out of the room. He forgot the others were in the dorms as he tried to get out, but Minho stepped in front of the door.

He was surrounded. He couldn't breathe. He tried to get past Minho, but the boy wasn't budging.

The boy just landed on the ground, crying hard and hyperventilating. Hyunjin was quick to go over and carefully talk to him to help him calm down.

He started to breathe better as his tears were still falling. "Seungie, I need you to calm down." Hyunjin said calmly.

The boy's head fell on Hyunjin's lap as he finished crying. He brought up his thumb and started sucking on it. Hyunjin sighed in relief, running his hand through his hair, helping the boy slowly fall asleep.

A/N: Wow, this was a hard chapter to write. Thanks for all the comments and votes, guys. You're seriously the best ^_^

{Also edited as I apparently didn't know how to spell Hyunjin's name right.}

Little CrazyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora