Chapter 3

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While Chan left and Minho was out watching Seungmin and Jeongin play Mario Kart, Jisung was with Felix and Changbin. Even though they were off for two months, Jisung and Felix both wanted to dance to keep physical.

Changbin came along as he didn't much else to do and he wanted to brush up on some of the dances.

So after thirty minutes, the boys sat down as they drank water. "Well, I think it's safe to say we know our dances." Felix stated, the three chuckling as an agreement.

"Yeah, I think we're pretty good right now." Changbin smiled.

Jisung looked up at the two and bit the inside of his cheek. Should he tell them what has been going on inside his head? "C-can I ask you guys a question?" Jisung asked, the two looking at him.

"What's up, Jisung?" Felix asked, a bit worried for his friend.

"I-It's about Minho?" He stuttered, looking down at his fingers.

Changbin and Felix shared a knowing glance. "What about him?" Changbin asked.

"W-well you know how he is sometimes, right? Like he seems to want to flirt and such with me. And I guess I wanted to know if you think he's actually flirting or if he's just doing it for the cameras?"

The two blinked. How can Jisung be so freaking blind? Felix sighed, "Jisung, I don't think we can really answer that. You should talk to Minho."

"B-but what if I'm reading into it wrong and mess up our friendship?" Jisung pouted.

"Like that will ever happen." Changbin rolled his eyes, "Jisung, I understand you're worried but you have to just talk to him. You never know."

"Look at us for example. Changbin was really forward when we were first debuted and I thought he was doing it for the cameras. But, I talked to him about it and we're dating." Felix smiled, grabbing Changbin's hand.

The two dating was nothing special as the group got used to them being cuddly and cute. Plus they've now been dating for a year so they were used to it. Still didn't stop Jisung from cooing at how Changbin gave a small, blushy smile at their story.

Maybe Minho was trying to get his attention. He wouldn't know unless he talked to him. Would he like to date Minho? Possibly. He wasn't sure exactly how dating someone worked as he's never had a girlfriend or boyfriend.

"M-maybe I will talk to him." Jisung gave a small smile. Felix and Changbin smiled and they all started dancing again.

~ ~ ~ ~

Seungmin got tired and went to his room after the tenth round of Mario Kart. Jeongin looked up at Minho and pointed at the open controller.

"Wanna play?"

"Aren't you a bit tired of Mario Kart?" Minho chuckled at the youngest.

"How could I? Each track is different and I really wanna win all of them!" He smiled.

"How many do you have to win?"

Jeongin looked at the screen, "Um, four. The one I'm having the most trouble with is the Rainbow Road map. It's so tricky." He pouted.

"Well, how about we try that one last?" Minho sat down, taking the open controller. They raced fine with the other three, Minho secretly doing a bad job as he wanted Jeongin to win.

Though, he noticed the boy having issues with Rainbow Road. The boy sighing each time he falls off.

"Ugh, this is pointless. I'm never going to win on this map." He pouted, getting sixth place.

"Don't give up, Jeongin. How about we try again? I'll try to defend you from the computers." Minho suggested. He saw Jeongin's eyes light up.

"Y-You'd do that for me, hyung?" He asked.

"Sure. I want to see you win on this map. It is the hardest one to do."

Jeongin nodded, restarting the map. At the beginning it was fine, Jeongin knew the track. Once the twists happened, he struggled again. And once he fell the third time he grunted, throwing the controller down with a huge pout.

Minho had to stop himself from cooing at the maknae. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Mario keeps fallin' off the track." He pouted, crossing his arms.

"Aw, don't worry. You'll get it, Jeongin."

"No I won't. This track is too hard."

Minho noticed his tone change a bit and he wondered if what Chan said earlier was true.

"So, do you want to play another game or color-"

"Color?!" Jeongin asked, turning around. "W-why would I want to color? T-That's just crazy hyung."

"Jeongin? There's nothing wrong with wanting to color. I find it relaxing."

The youngest was silent for a moment, picking at the floor, "E-even though I want to do other kid-like things?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

Jeongin looked up at him, opening his mouth only to shut it. The door opened to have Chan come in with a small bag of stuff.

"Hey, sorry it took so long. There was a sale and I couldn't refuse a buy one get one free sale." Chan stated, sitting beside Jeongin. He emptied the bag, showing two coloring books and two stuffed animals; one was an eevee and the other was a pikachu.

The two heard Jeongin gasp, eyes locking on the supplies. Chan and Minho looked at each other with a small smile.

"You can take them, Jeongin." Chan said softly, trying to ease the boy.

With shaky hands, the boy grabbed the eevee to look at it. "It so tiny." He basically whispered. (A/N: Anyone know the reference?) The youngest looked up at Chan with big eyes, "All fow me?" He asked.

Chan had to make sure to not have a heart attack, "All for you."

Jeongin gasped, smiling even bigger as he cuddled the eevee closer to his chest. He gasped again, standing up quickly. He ran to his room, leaving the two oldest to wonder what he was doing.

They heard footsteps running back, Jeongin plopping down in his same spot with the kitten.

"Sp-spawkalz, meet eevee and pikatu." He smiled, putting the kitten down on the coffee table.

Chan swore his heart melted as Jeongin played with the three stuffed animals.

A/N: Here's the next chapter. I'm glad to hear people are enjoying this X3

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