Chapter 21

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Chan and Changbin were silent in the studio. Both were working on songs. Changbin sighed, getting frustrated over how the song just didn't sound right.

He started to tap his fingers on the desk, feeling stressed. He's a producer, how could he not figure this out?

Maybe he didn't deserve to be called a producer. Jisung and Chan do most of the songs anyways. Out of habit, he started to suck on his thumb.

He didn't notice the fuzzy feeling as he kept sucking on his finger, staring at the screen.

He turned in his chair, noticing Chan. When did Channie get here? Where was his caregiver?

He wanted to ask Channie so he tried to walk over to the older. He slid out of the seat and took a few steps before tripping and falling on his butt. Tears filled his eyes, he wants his Papa.

Chan heard a big thud and turned his chair to see Changbin sobbing on the floor.

"Changbin?" He asked carefully as he kneeled next to the younger.

"Wan' Papa!" He cried into Chan's shirt.

Chan looked at the younger in shock as he hugged him, swaying side to side. He did not expect Changbin to slip while they were producing but he understood the boy probably got too stressed.

"Sshhh. It's okay." Chan whispered. He knew Felix was busy with vocal lessons and then a dance practice with DanceRacha.

"Papa?" Binnie pouted in question.

"He's not here right now, baba. Wanna help Channie with some music?"

Binnie pouted even more, "Binnie isn't good with music."

Chan raised an eyebrow at this. Usually the little was very confident, especially when it came to music. "Why do you say that?" He asked.

The little looked over at the screen he was at, "N-not good." He repeated. Chan looked and saw the almost blank sheet and understood that Changbin had writers block, which in turn had the little think they weren't good.

The group slowly learned that Binnie was well connected to Changbin, almost the same person. Changbin always acted like a child outside of littlespace which he explained that he let his little side out a bit. It probably helped that he usually slipped to an older age, but there were times when he was smaller than Innie, leaving very cute interactions of Innie wanting to be a good big brother.

"You're having writers block?" He asked.

The little tilted his head, "Writers have blocks? For what?"

Chan chuckled, "No, silly. It's what it's called when you can't think of an idea."

"Oooh, then yes. Binnie haf a writers block."

Chan picked him up, sitting on the chair to sit at the desk to see where he got stuck. He nodded at the background noise. "I like it so far."

"Binnie like noise. Why be quiet because people say to."

Chan writes that down, "I like that. See? You're good at this."

"What? Saying that we aren't gonna be quiet?"

Chan chuckled, "Yeah, why should we change who we are just because haters say we are loud?"

"We like thunder. Loud and don't care."

"Thunderous... I like that."

"Sound the horns we don't care!" Binnie shouts.

Chan messages Jisung stating they have a few good ideas for their new song, "I like that." He then pulls up the sounds, adding in the horns.

"No, no. Real horns. We need real horns."

Chan raised an eyebrow at it, but shrugged as he added the car horns in. He played the song again, nodding again. "You really are a little genius."

Binnie laughs, "Binnie best pwoducer!!"

The door opens for Jisung to come through  "Hey Binnie. I hear you have some great ideas for our song."

"Wanna hear it Jiji?" Binnie asked, puppy dog eyes out in hope.

"Of course I would."

Chan plays the song and they all nod to the beat.

"You made all of this?" Jisung grabbed the little, lifting him up and throwing him a bit in the air, making the little squeal.

"Who's our little producer?" He then puts him on the couch to tickle him.

"Stop! Stop!!!" The little laughs. Chan smiles at the two before saving the project. With a smirk he comes over to tickle the little.

"Noo!" Binnie squeals with laughter, making the two finally let him breathe as they laugh. They were so thankful to see Changbin like this. "We love you, Binnie." Chan smiles.

Binnie blinds them from the huge smile, "Binnie loves yous too."

A/N: omg hello. I'm alive after that freaking drop. Is anyone else alive? Because I'm pretty sure they are out to kill us.

Got a bit inspired by the song, thinking it would be adorable if little Changbin helped with the song. Sorry it took so long, a lot has been happening. Thanks for all the love and support. You guys are amazing  <3

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