Chapter 19

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Felix was on the couch, scrolling through TikTok. The dorm was quiet as most members were at the recording studio working on the new album. Felix stayed home because his throat felt a bit sore. He didn't want to, but Chan made sure Felix knew he could just record his lines tomorrow.

He heard the door open and he looked up in confusion. No one should be back yet. He saw Jeongin in the hallway, face displaying sadness and worry.

"H-hyung." He stuttered, eyes glossing over with tears.

Felix sat up in time for the youngest to fall into him, "Jeongin, what's wrong?"

"C-couldn't focus and hit the high notes." He cried into his shirt.

Felix rubbed his back, "Aw, we all have bad days. Look at me, I'm at the dorms just because my throat hurts."

Jeongin sniffled, "I forgot... I'm sorry for bothering you. You should rest." He tried to sit up and leave, but Felix just put his hand on the back of his head and tilted it back on his chest.

"You're not bothering me. I actually was pretty lonely."

The maknae quietly nodded, the two cuddling in silence, minus some sniffles.

"Hyung?" He asked timidly.


"Do you want some tea?" Jeongin looked at Felix, eyes shimmering and red from crying.

"I'd like that, thank you." Felix smiled at the youngest who quickly went out to make some tea. Felix noticed he was a bit off still and wondered if he needed to slip.

"Thanks." Felix smiled, taking the mug. He patted the spot next to him, letting the maknae sit next to him. They sighed in relief from the warm liquid relief. "Hey, Jeongin?" Felix started.

"Yeah, hyung?"

"After tea, did you want to slip?" Felix asked.

"Oh, no hyung!" Jeongin was quick to sit up straight and waive his hands, "I can't have you watch over me while you're not feeling well."

Felix chuckled, "Relax, I'm not sick. It's just my throat from singing and such. Trust me."

The maknae seemed hesitant, "Maybe in a bit. Can we just cuddle more and drink tea?" he nervously played with his fingers.

"Of course we can. Was there anything else on your mind?" Felix asked, noticing his hesitation.

Jeongin hummed, "Not really. What about you?"

"Eh, just a bit annoyed that I'm not really sick but still had to take off." Felix shrugged.

"Hyung." Jeongin giggled, "Focus on getting better so you can get those vocals in for our new album." The two chuckled.

"I just feel like I'm not good sometimes." Felix blushes. "Like I feel like I didn't get any better since the survival show."

Jeongin was quick to sit up and retort, "That's not true, hyung. For one, you're Korean has gotten a lot better."

The Australian blushed, the pink dusting his freckles, "You really think so?"

"Yeah, you really have gotten better at it. My English though... is very not good."

Felix laughed loudly, coughing after as his throat burned. He took a sip of tea to help. "I needed that."

It was Jeongin's turn to blush, "I said it wrong, didn't I?"

"You were close. It's my English is not that good."

"My English is not that good." Jeongin repeated, his accent very heavy.

"Yeah, my English is not that good." Felix repeated in Korean, smiling at his cute maknae.

"See? You're even translating words now!" Jeongin smiled. The two sighed after their fit of chuckles. They chat while finishing their tea.

"With the tea done, do you want to go into littlespace? I remember a certain drawing needed to be finished."

Jeongin's eyes lit up, "Oh, I forgot!" He blushed, "But, actually, I have a feeling that I'm going to be too young."

"Oh, babyspace young?" Felix asked.

"Yeah... that or young toddler." Jeongin nodded.

"Want to change and put on a diaper beforehand?"

Jeongin blushed, "It's embarrassing, though."

Felix chuckled, "Nothing to be embarrassed by. I had to change you before when you were in babyspace."

Jeongin whined, puttinag his blush-ridden face in his hands, "Please don't tell me that." The group started to learn that Jeongin has trouble remembering what he did when he was in babyspace or up to the age of 2, most of it just blacked out from his memory as he was too young to process anything.

Regardless, Jeongin changed into a onesie with a diaper and came out to find Felix waiting with a pacifier, blanket, and Sparkle. "'m close to slipping. Not sure why I'm having trouble."

"I can try to help. Come on, I'll bundle you in the blanket." Felix patted the spot next to him, letting him plop down next to him. "Here we go." he smiled, wrapping the warm blanket around him.

"N-need Sparkle please." Jeongin whispered; a good sign that he was close.

Felix gave him Sparkle, which Jeongin immediately hugged to his chest and shimmied into the blanket. "Paci?" Felix asked, putting it out in a sort of question. With a nod, Felix gently put the pacifier through his lips, making the little hum in gratitude as he cuddled against him.

"Fank tu." He muttered, eyes closing, and fell asleep.

"What Chan-hyung would do to get your sleeping tips." Felix whispered to himself.

Felix and Innie were passed out with the tv on in the background to fill the silence. The door opened and the group all entered with collective 'aws'.

"You were right, Chan-hyung. Jeongin did need to slip." Jisung smiled. Hyunjin pulled out his phone to take pictures.

Chan chuckled while trying to tell him to be silent, noticing the little moving in his sleep. His eyes opened a bit "Innie sweepy." He whispered in the tiniest voice ever known to mankind.

Chan smiles, running his hand softly through his hair, "You can go back to sleep baby." Innie just hums, eyes closing again and cuddling more into Felix.

"God, someone call a medic. I think my heart's going to burst from how cute he is." Changbin whispered.

"Are you saying Seungie isn't cute?" Seungmin smirked, avoiding Changbin's playful slap.

"Yah!" He whisper shouted.

From the couch, Felix muttered something along the lines of 'be quiet', making the group be silent once again. They all made their way, as quietly as they could, to their rooms. "Chan-hyung, you can sleep with me. Your boyfriend stole mine, so I'd gladly steal you." Changbin chuckled. "If you want."

Chan smiled, "Thanks, Changbin. I'll take you up on that offer."

"Just don't cuddle me too hard. Your muscles are deadly."

Chan chuckled, "No promises." He whispered before going under the covers and the two falling asleep.

A/N: Writing this was more like a well-needed part... Felix needing some story with Innie and such. I need to figure out something for a little Binnie chapter as he needs some more love. ^w^

Anyways, I'm honestly not sure what to do with Jisung... I can't really think of any good storyline for him to be a little and honestly, I would see him as a caregiver. Idk him and Minho taking care of those boys that one show really reminded me how good of a caregiver he'd be. I know there were people who wanted a little Hannie, but I realized I wanted to spread some light on caregiver Jisung.

Glad to see all the comments and such. Thanks for being so patient with me. A lot has been going on and it's just... a lot. Seriously I couldn't thank you guys enough for all the love and support you give me. Thanks

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