Chapter 16

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Once Changbin left, everything went into over drive.

Jeongin slipped due to the glass shattering, Felix went to try to talk to his boyfriend, Seungmin was trying to calm Jeongin while Hyunjin was cleaning up the glass, and Chan came back with Jisung and Minho confused at what he missed.

Chan took Innie over to the couch. "What happened?" Jisung was the first to talk as things calmed down.

"Ch-Changbin was acting strange and he dropped a glass. He left and Felix left to try and talk to him. And Innie slipped an' Seungie twied his bestest to help keep Innie calm."

Seungmin teared up, feeling he messed up somehow. Maybe he shouldn't have told Binnie about what happened.

Hyunjin was at his side in a flash, hugging the little. "Shh, you did an amazing job Seungie. You were such a brave boy."

"Weally?" Hyunjin gave the little a kind smile and nods.

Seungie cuddled into Hyunjin and Hyunjin tried to help feed the little. Chan did the same with Innie, who was making a mess, as Minho and Jisung sat down to eat.

A few minutes passed and Felix came in, looking down, "He's not answering."

"Just give him a few, Fe. I'll check on him later." Chan stated, knowing they had a 3Racha VLive planned tonight.

Jisung came over to sit next to Chan, "What are you thinking?"

"Just about the live we have later today. I'm not sure if Changbin should go live."

Jisung nods, "Yeah, I understand. He'd hate missing it though."

"Yeah, I know. But it would make things worse." Chan pouted.

Jeongin looked up from his spot in Chan's neck, "Forcing him to miss the live also will be bad." He stated.

"We could just do it and if he slips we can take care of it. I can act wild or something to make it seem like it's normal." Jisung advised.

Chan nodded, "Alright. Well, since we have time, want to help me with the song I've been writing?" He asked Jeongin.

Jeongin nods excitingly, "Sure, I'd love to."

Jisung shakes his head with a smile, "I'll go bother Minho. Text me when you set up the live."

"Sure." Chan nods, taking Jeongin's hand.

The youngest blushed.

"This ok?" Chan asked, unsure if he was moving too fast.

Jeongin blushed more but held his hand harder, "I-It's okay. I like holding your hand."

Chan smiled, walking them to his studio. Chan was stuck on this one song so he asked his boyfriend.

But he couldn't stop thinking about Changbin. If he didn't want to be a little, was there another way? Wouldn't it be better for him to slip when he wanted?

"He could be a switch." He heard Jeongin whisper.

"What?" Chan asked. The mankae' s head snapped up and blushed before repeating.

"Changbin. He could be a switch. I looked it up. Basically they switch when they want or need but is also a caregiver. That way he can choose when to switch."

"You're a genius!" Chan kissed his cheek. "You're so adorable." He said, squishing his cheeks.

Jeongin giggled, eyes disappearing with his smile.

Chan decided he'd talk to Changbin about the idea so he dropped Jeongin off with Felix since he noticed his Aussie best friend looking a bit down.

"Hey Felix." Jeongin smiled, sitting on the couch next to him.

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