Chapter 4

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A/N: Thank you for your patience when I was away. I, unfortunately, lost my family member to the virus so I just ask my readers to stay safe and keep social distancing X3 I also had to finish college (which I just aced my Statistics final with a 98%! Heck ya!)... So enjoy! 

Seungmin sighed as he locked his door. After going round after round of Mario Kart, he was a bit tired. He looked at his box, shaking his head as he knew he shouldn't slip now. With a huge sigh, he just laid down on his bed, staring at his ceiling.

After a few minutes, he slowly fell asleep.

"Seungie. Come on Seungie. Jinie will be sad if you don't come out."

"I-I don' wanna make Jinie upset. I sowwy."

"Jinie forgives you. What do you wanna do today?"

"W-wanna cuddle Woojinie-hyung!"

"Woojin's leaving the group."

"W-Why? D-don't leave me. Woojin!"

Seungmin sat up in a rush, wanting to cry his eyes out. He gripped the bear as he sucked his finger. He never slipped past the age of 4 but he seemed to get worse with these nightmares. He curled up crying as he hugged the bear impossibly closer.

The next day, Chan called for a meeting. At this time he was certain Jeongin was a little. Especially that night when he played with the new stuffed animals that Chan got him.

"So, I know this is the first week of break and all but I wanted to talk to you guys." Chan started. Everyone nodded.

"As you know, Jeongin started to act weird a few days ago. I've noticed he had a liking to more... childish things. I searched things up to see what was going on. I found that he was possibly a little."

"A little?" Felix asked. Jeongin looked down at his fingers. This was all new to him. He talked to Chan yesterday about talking to the group about what was going on but he wasn't sure how the group would react.

"Yes, Felix... a little. Littlespace is something adults can slip into when under stress to have a break from stress. They basically act like a kid."

"Aw, that's adorable." Felix smiled.

"At first, I wasn't sure. So, I asked for Minho's help. I went out to get some coloring books and some stuffed animals to see what exactly would happen. Turns out, my assumptions were right. Jeongin seemed to take a liking to it. So, after talking to him yesterday, with his permission I wanted to tell you all that he is a little. And, littles need caregivers." Chan smiled.

"What do caregivers do?" Jisung asked.

"Basically they care for littles when they are in little space. They help keep rules, make sure they stay safe, and play with them. We aren't sure what age Jeongin slips into yet as we're still experimenting. So, Jeongin, would you like to ask them yourself?"

Jeongin looked down at his fingers, "U-um, w-would you mind if you guys could be my c-caregivers?"

The group all cooed at the shy boy except Seungmin. He was staring in shock.

"I'd love to be a caregiver, Jeongin." Felix smiled. The rest of the group followed until it hit Seungmin. The group looked over at him.

"U-um... I'm not sure." Seungmin quickly stated.

Jeongin's face fell, "W-why? Tu gaf m-me spawkalz." (You gave me Sparkles)

Seungmin had to pinch the inside of his hand to keep himself from not slipping. "I... It's just... weird." He quickly stated, getting up and going into his room.

Jeongin started crying which Chan was quick to hug to poor baby. He figured Seungmin would be okay with the whole ordeal since he was the one who gave Jeongin the stuffed animal.

"Baby, don't cry. It's okay." Chan whispered.

"D-Did I do somdin wong? W-why does h-he not like me?" Jeongin cried, making all the members surround him.

"You did nothing wrong, sweetheart. He probably has to think. It came as a shock for all of us." Minho softly stated, running his hand through his hair.

"T-tu d-don' hate Innie? (You don't hate Innie?)" He asked them.

"Of course we don't." Felix pouted.

Chan knew he had to talk to Seungmin at some point about this. Something was off about him. He seemed so on edge about all of this.

The group got the boy to calm down, soon playing with his stuffed animals. The boy soon smiled, introducing his stuffies.

Hyunjin stated he was going to check on Seungmin quietly to Chan. He made way to Seungmin's room, knocking on the door. It was silent so he knocked again.

"Go away." He heard.

"Seungmin, it's me Hyunjin. Please open the door."

He heard rustling on the other side of the door for it to soon open. Hyunjin pushed himself inside, which Seungmin was not very happy about.

"Hey." He simply said.

"Hi?" Seungmin replied, sitting down on his bed.

"You okay?" Hyunjin asked, walking over to sit next to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why aren't you with the others?" Seungmin asked.

"Because I wanted to check on you. You seemed really on edge, Seungie."

Seungmin tensed at the name, pinching his thigh to keep himself big. "I guess I just need some sleep." He shrugged off.

"I think this is more than just sleep. Why don't you like Jeongin?"

"I never said I didn't like him. I-It's just weird." Seungmin stated, looking down at his lap.

Hyunjin took his chin and made him look up at him, "Your lying." He said, glaring into his eyes.

"N-no I'm not." Seungmin swatted his hand away. "I just want to be alone, hyung."

"I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me what's wrong, Seungie."

"Stop calling me that!" Seungmin exclaimed, making the older flinch back.

"Seungmin, I-"

"Please, just leave me alone." Seungmin said, falling on the bed. He turned his back to him to hide the fact he was about to cry.


"Please, hyung. Just go back to the group." He begged, trying to keep his tears at bay.

It was silent for a few seconds until Hyunjin stood up, "You can always talk to me, Seungmin. Please don't lock us out again." And with that, he left the room for Seungmin to start sobbing his heart out.

He didn't think Jeongin was weird at all. But he had to keep his secret. He didn't want to lose his members to a curse. He was at fault for Woojin leaving. And now it was his fault for making Jeongin a little.

A/N:  Ugh, I just wanna hug Seungmin. :( Anyways, I hope you're enjoying this so far X3 Please don't forget to comment and vote. I love reading your comments ^w^

Also - OMG Han just killed me with his damn visuals. Please go support the song <3 Han wrote the song with help from Chan. I'm not too keen on the song but I still think it's good. Just not my favorite XP I don't care though as I wanna support Han <3 These boys deserve everything!

Sorry for my rant, it's just Stray Kids makes me so dang happy ^w^ Stay safe everyone!

{Edited as I forgot to edit Hyunjin's name, sorry for having it spelled wrong for so long.}

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