Chapter 17

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Chan wasn't sure what was going on. He just got home from the recording studio from helping Jisung with his song when he got home to chaos.

Seungmin and Hyunjin were on the floor, doing the Pet Patrol puzzle while Lee Know was on the couch, looking at his phone. Changbin and Jeongin were yelling, running around the room in some sort of tag while Felix was supervising them.

"Daddy!" Innie squealed, running fully into Chan, making his back hit the door with an 'oof'.

"You home! Innie mish you!" He snuggled his head into his neck.

Changbin saw the opportunity and tagged Innie. "Hey! No fair!" Innie tagged him right back.

"Yaaah! Get back here!" Changbin called, running again.

"Boys be careful!" Felix called before shaking his head. "Welcome home Chris."

"Thanks." Chan chuckled, taking off his coat. They heard something fall and soon Innie was crying.

Felix and Chan rushed to the room, seeing Binnie kneeling beside the youngest who was gripping his head.

"What's wrong baby? Let me see." Chan said, kneeling beside Innie.

"I-Innie twip an' fell." He cried.

"His head hit the bed. I'm sowwy." Binnie pouted.

Felix went next to him, "It's ok. How about we go get Innie some ice?"

Binnie quickly nods, grabbing Felix's hand to get ice.

"Daddy." Innie whines.

"Sh, I know." Chan lightly kissed the top of his head, inspecting his head to make sure there were no signs of blood. Thankfully there was none. He sat there, rocking Innie back and forth, whispering sweet words until Binnie handed Chan an ice pack.

"I'm going to put this on. It'll be cold, but it helps it not get worse." Chan said, carefully putting it on the area.

"It cold!" Innie squealed, flinching away.

"I know, baby. Just a few minutes, okay?"

Innie pouted, but laid his head down on Chan's lap, letting Chan put the ice on.

"'m sorry Innie. Binnie should've been more careful." Binnie pouted.

"Wasn' Binnie's fault." Innie smiled.

Binnie and Felix moved out of the room to let Chan and Innie hug and let the little heal.

"Aw, baby, it's ok. It was a mistake." Felix said when he noticed Binnie pouting with worry. He led him to sit on the bed.

"B-but you told us to be vewy careful an' Binnie is older than Innie so I more resp- resbons..."

"Responsible?" Felix finished.

"Yes! Responseaball!" Binnie nodded.

Felix chuckled, "Well, now you know for next time. Things happen, baby, everything's fine."

"O-Oh... um c-can we maybe do someding?" Binnie swung his legs back and forth.

"What would you like to do?"

"W-well Dark wanted a place to sleep so I wanted to make a home for him." He blushed.

"That's a great idea! Let me go find a box and some markers."

"Okay! I get Dark so he can tell us if he wikes it." Changbin went to go get his stuffie. Felix chuckled, going out to find a box that they could use. He found one, taking it back to Binnie already on the floor with markers on the floor.

"Dark is vewy esi...esi...?" Binnie pouted again.

"Excited?" Felix smiled.

"Yes! Esited." Binnie nods, taking the box and starting to draw on it to his heart's content. Felix cooed softly seeing his boyfriend being so excited about something that may seem so silly to someone else, but it was beautiful in his eyes.

He loved Changbin and he knew his boyfriend was still hesitant with his little side, but the two talked about rules and Changbin's fear. Felix felt a bit sad that Changbin thought that Felix would have too much on his plate with taking care of him, but he was quick to tell Changbin how much he loved his little side.

The group still jokes around with Changbin, but it's definitely noticeable that they started to branch out with jokes on other members and it seemed that the jokes died down a bit since that day from Idol Radio.

"Done!" He heard, looking down at the cardboard box.

"Ooooh, can you tell me more about it?"

"Dis is gwass, and those are um... what do you call the things at chuwches?"

Felix looked at the humps in the grass and figured Binnie was talking about tombstones, "Tombstones?"

"T-um...stones?" Binnie asked.

"Yes. Why are you saying all these big words today, bubba?"

"O-oh, B-Binnie wants to be all gwon up s-so he can take care of FeFe!" Binnie blushed.

"Aw, but if you get all grown up, who can I take care of?" Felix asked.

"FeFe can still care for Binnie! Binnie just wanna care for FeFe."

Felix ruffled the little's hair, making him squeal, "You can care for me, bubba. You already do. Don't worry your little head about it."

Binnie nods, grabbing Dark while Felix cut out a hole that resembled a dog house. After the sharp object was away, he allowed the little to grab a marker and write in bold letters on top of the door 'DARK'.

"Tere you go, Dark. Do you like it?" He asked after setting the stuffie in. The little gasped in delight, "He likes if very mush!" Binnie claps in delight.

"I'm glad he does." Felix smiled. There was a knock at their door, so Felix opened it to see Chan.

"What's up, hyung?" Felix asked.

"The cake's here."

Felix almost forgot about Jeongin's birthday. They had Han grab it on his way back from the studio. "Hey Binnie, the cake is here. But, you gotta be quiet. Innie doesn't know yet."

Binnie nods, following Felix out to the kitchen to join all the other members. Chan went to go get Innie while Minho lit the candles. The first ever little birthday. Everyone was so excited.

"B-but I can't see Daddy." Innie pouted, being led to the kitchen.

"I told you, it's a surprise. Are you ready?"

Innie nods and Chan took off his blindfold. The little gasps, taking in the cake and the members as they all sing happy birthday and the little started crying.

"Why are you crying, little one?" Chan asked with a smile, using his thumbs to wipe away his tears.

"I-Innie so happy." He cried.

"You gotta blow out the candles, Innie." Chan chuckled, holding up the little and brought him to the table.

"Make a wish, Innie." Seungie smiled. Innie thought and then blew out the candles. The group all cheered and went into a group hug.

A/N: This chapter was a mess. I kinda wrote it in a way that Innie kinda... forgot about his birthday? Idk... but anyways, happy birthday Jeongin!! He's one year older TT^TT

I can't believe how much he grew over the last two years... It almost feels like just yesterday he had braces and now he's killing me with his visuals. I'm so proud of him. I agree with Chan that 2021 will be I.N's year and I can't wait to see how much he grows. I watched 'Maknae on Top' like... two times for his birthday and then I thought... why not post a chapter?

So, yeah... here it is. I know it didn't evolve around Innie a lot, but I just wanted to make a cute fluff chapter with Felix and Changbin as I felt like they didn't really get any chapters. Thank you for your guys' patience. School is... stressful.

Enough of me rambling on. Go watch I.N's song.

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