A Stalker's Obsession

Start from the beginning

"So, I know you don't work at the hospital, but do you have family there?" Jennie asked. She immediately felt stupid for saying that. She looked on the hospital employee security page and didn't see Lisa's picture. Now she looks like a stalker.

"No." Lisa said, quickly realizing her mistake. Jennie was smart. She would figure it out.

"Oh." Jennie said confused. "Then why were you at the hospital every day at 10:00 p.m. when I was...Oh my God." Jennie quickly put the puzzle pieces together.

The car ride was silent for two minutes.

"You can just let me off up at the next gas station. My parents live about a mile from here, they'll come get me. I appreciate the ride." Jennie was shaking. She had a tear that had spilled from her left eye.

"No they don't." He blurted out. "Your dad died in a car accident when you were 14 and your mom lives in Auckland, abut two hours away." Lisa knew she was ruining everything, but it's too late to turn back now.

"Are you going to hurt me?" Jennie whimpered. Just her luck. She obsesses over a girl who turns out to be a total nut job and then kills her. "Where are you taking me?"

Lisa sighed, trying to keep her cool. Jennie asked a lot of questions. Lisa loved to hear her voice but she didn't have any answers for Jennie that would make this better for either of them. "I am not intending to hurt you. We're going to my house."

She turned down an isolated back road. About a half mile down she turned down an unmarked driveway. A quarter mile down that they came upon a well maintained two story home with a meticulously groomed yard and garden. It was nothing like she expected. This home was Lisa's sanctuary, her baby. Other than Jennie, it was the only thing Lisa cared about.

"Stay put." Lisa ordered. She got out of the car and walked around to Jennie's side. Jennie thought about running, but she figured Lisa will kill her for sure. Jennie has a bum ankle and couldn't get far anyway. Plus something about this house and something about Lisa made her feel like everything was going to be okay. She didn't think Lisa was the monster she was trying to be.

Lisa helped Jennie from the car and walked her into the house. The inside was as stunning as the outside. The furniture was new, but homey. If Jennie weren't being brought here against her will she could imagine raising a family here. Why did Seulgi the Ideal Girl turn out to be Lisa the Creep?

She picked Jennie up and carried her down the stairs. Lisa figured it was faster than her limping down them. Having Jennie so close to her was making her hard as a rock. Jennie didn't wear perfume, but she used a lavender soap that made Lisa's knees shake.

At the bottom of the stairs was the basement. Lisa unlocked a door. Inside that door was a cage. More like a jail really. Inside the jail was a bed, a toilet, a seat, and a chair. It was well stocked with books and magazines.

"Are you seriously putting me in there?" Jennie shrieked and tried to fight Lisa off. Lisa swiftly unlocked the cage and shoved her in there. It was the first time she'd gotten rough with Jennie and she felt bad about it.

Jennie landed on the bed with a jolt of pain. "How many women have you kept in here?"

"None." Lisa said, telling the truth. "I made this for you. I love you Nini and I want you to love me, but you won't so I'm just going to have to make you love me."

"Lili, you never even talked to me or gave me a chance. I really wanted you to ask me out, I would have said yes in a heart beat. Please let me out so we can talk about this. We can still come back from this." She begged, tears rolling down her face.

"LIAR!" Lisa screamed. "All you women are liars. You would have laughed at me, or given me a fake number, or just left the next day, or never called me back."

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