In-ah sat in the corner of the cell, wide awake in deep thoughts. Her back leaned against the concrete wall, but her knees were pushed against her chest for some sort of warmth. She was freezing. And from the slow deep breathing around her, she could only guess everyone was sleeping.

She was wrong, though.

Jungkook sat beside her in the overcrowded cell. Not that she could tell who it was in the pitch black darkness; all she knew was someone was sitting so close next to her that their shoulders touched.

Jungkook knew, however.

He hadn't said a word to her and she didn't to him either. She thought he was sleeping but it was obvious to Jungkook that she was awake by her constant shivering.

At first, Jungkook thought she would feel better if someone sat close to her. But she had been so cold that it was becoming impossible to sleep. Jungkook stayed awake with her, waiting till she drifted off to sleep before he did so himself. Before he knew it, hours ticked by. Everyone had drifted into a light slumber, except for her. At this rate, Jungkook wouldn't be surprised if she didn't sleep until the sun rose.

In complete blackness, he raised a shaky hand in front of him. He gulped, fearing the nerves biting at him at what he was about to do.

He shifted his body slowly to not startle her. He turned towards her before wrapping a secure arm around her small quivering body.

He stilled, testing the waters first.

And when In-ah didn't give much of a reaction, he continued.

He scooted closer to her, leaned his head on her shoulder and nuzzled his head into the curve of her neck. His hot breath blew onto her skin, comforting and soothing her.

In-ah shifted slightly. This time, towards Jungkook, and she leaned her head on top of his. His warm breathing was steady and In-ah found herself relaxing into his arms as his body sent waves and waves of heat towards hers.

"You're hot." In-ah murmured.

Jungkook's breath hitched, hiccuping the pattern of his rhythmic breathing.

And that was how In-ah knew he had been awake all along.

Jungkook thought he could continue pretending to sleep. Maybe, just maybe, the chilly air had numbed In-ah's brain so much that she hadn't clocked on.

"I don't mean your body temperature, by the way." In-ah said, catching him off guard.

And Jungkook revealed himself. Choking on his saliva, he coughed out loud, making In-ah chuckle next to him. Her shoulders shook in laughter, knowing fully well that her comment would make him become flustered.

Blushing, Jungkook lifted his head by a margin of an inch off her shoulder. "Was it obvious that I was awake?"

"A little." In-ah's teeth chattered, hugging his arm tighter around her chest.

Jungkook gulped again.

"What's keeping you awake?" She asked, her voice dreamy and tired.

"Can't sleep..." Jungkook answered vaguely. He definitely couldn't sleep now.

Silence filled the air.

In-ah didn't answer him anymore. Had she fallen asleep? If she did, then good. Jungkook had successfully fulfilled his mission. But no matter how much he denied it, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a strong desire to keep talking to her.

"D-did you ever finish your book?" He tried, asking ever so quietly that In-ah could've easily missed it if his lips wasn't only centimetres away from her ear.

ALWAYS You: Swan's Shadow [YOONGI] (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now