"Yah, weren't you tired?" he replied, pulling Hongjoong's hands out of his pants and placing them back around his lower stomach.

Oh Hongjoong's face the grin turned into a honest small smile. "You're amazing" he said while his fingers drew patterns on the skin beneath them. "You... Gave me six healthy boys, you raised them mostly by yourself ... Without you I would have never come as far as we did..." he whispered "there would have been no reason to keep going without you" Hongjoong sighed deep in memories, planted loving kisses on Seonghwa's neck. "I love you, so much. No matter what happens, I will keep loving you"

"Stop~ I wanted to sleep, not cry" Seonghwa chocked out, turning in his husband's arms to embrace him in a hug. "I love you too. So much" he added, words slightly muffled in Hongjoong's shoulder. "you so much more than you give yourself credit, Hongjoong. Everything you archived, you did it, I was just watching your back..."

Hongjoong caught the teary voice, knew Seonghwa tend to get emotional fast, so he quickly shut him with a sweet peck. "come, time to sleep" he said, not holding back his grin when he was the pout on Seonghwa's lips.

"You didn't let me finish... Meanie" he responded, stealing a last 'goodnight peck' before getting in a comfortable sleeping position. "Goodnight"

"sweet dreams"


Everyone gathered around the breakfast table, surprised to have such a big meal waiting for them. Hongjoong had taken over the household, not wanting to overwork Seonghwa at all costs. So, Hongjoong's meals usually weren't that fancy, they weren't bad, but the boys just preferred their Papa's food.

"Ey, is it someone's birthday and I forgot...?" Yeosang asked as he sat down on his chair, curiously eyeing the set table.

"No... Yuyu's birthday net momth" Jongho babbled, climbing on his seat.

Mingo shrugged his shoulder "Who cares. Good food" he said, was about to dig in.

"Ah! Not before everyone is here!" Hongjoong said, stopping Mingi before he could destroy his perfectly prepared plate of cheese variations. "Papa is still missing. Wait a little, so we can eat together, ah?"

San lookeded around, then tugged in Yunho's pajama shirt "It feels like they need to tell us something... Daddy never waits with food... And he never makes so good breakfast" he said.

The oldest agreed, he had that feeling too. Something about the scene seemed to familiar to him but he couldn't name it. A minute later Seonghwa finally joined his family for breakfast. He was wearing one of his wide sweaters again but something little poked out anyway. And when Yunho saw it, everything fell into place.

"Ah, you shouldn't have waited for me" Seonghwa said, taking in the beautifully prepared breakfast.

"Can we eat now? My stomach is making weird noise!" Wooyoung begged, his hand already grabbing his utensils.

"Of course, dig in! Daddy rarely makes a big breakfast!" Seonghwa chuckled, filling his plate with everything he could find.

The family enjoyed a great meal and when the table slowly cleared, the parents decided that it was time to announce the big news to their family. Just as Hongjoong wanted to open his mouth to slowly explain the new family member, Yunho cut him off. "Is Papa getting another baby?" he blurted out. The whole table seemed to be holding their breath for a moment. Yunho was sure about his guess. He had seen that happen a couple times already.

"I- Uhm well-"

"Were getting another brother?"

"Who said they're a boy?"

"I want it to be a girl. I have enough brothers already!"

"Uh-uh! Jongie is baby!"

The parents' mouths hung open, they didn't expect them to take it so... Easy? "Don't you want a younger sibling, Jongho?" Seonghwa asked the boy.

"Mhm..."he huffed. He wasn't going to give up this place as the families little king. But he was curious too. Someone younger than him, he didn't really understand what was going to change exactly, it made him feel uneasy. "Baba promise Jongho is always baby!" he pouted.

Yunho on the other hand rolled his eyes. No-one asked for his opinion, as the oldest of six he had lost that right apparently.

"Jongie is my baby! Always!" Mingi said, leaning over to hug the youngest. "Noone is going to take your place, Jongie"

"And being an older brother is cool too! Isn't it Sangie?" San asked his twin, who was just ten minutes older than him.

"Of course, as longs as they don't take all your clothes"

Jongho looked like he was thinking about it. Not that he had any control over if they would get another sibling or not. But something about 'big bro Jongg' made him excited. So, he gave his consent. "Hm. But Jongie have his toys and baby theirs!"


Hello baby,

it's the first of April today that means you're about seven months old already! We can't wait to see you, your brother Jongho even decided to share his toys with you. I am sure you two will like each other so much.

We started to prepare the third childrens' room today. We painted the walls and got another bed and furniture, they will arrive soon. And when it's finally done, Wooyoung and Jongho are going to share it, so we can get your things ready in our room.

Your Grandma called today! She is also so excited to finally meet you. She said she was eagerly knitting you little socks and hats. And Grandpa is already deciding on what tree he will plant for you. My brother, your uncle promised to visit us when you're finally here. He is living abroad with his family. You will love them so much. They will be good older brothers and sisters to you, I'm sure.

Everyone is asking if you're going to be a boy or a girl. We didn't want to tell anyone. And it doesn't matter, because you're my little treasure anyway. My little, kicking treasure. You're putting me through quite a challenge with your kicks! You're making your Daddy so worried all the time.

Talking of your Dad, we discussed names today. He was really persisted about naming you Jiyong or Jiho, maybe Jiwoo. But I didn't want him to name you after his role models, sometimes your Dad forgets that he's famous himself and it could be awkward to openly name your child after one of your role models. So, we agreed on another name.


I think it's beautiful.

I can't wait to finally hold you in my arms, Junyoung.

With love,

Hey! How are you feeling?

Ahhh I wanna cry I have school tomorrow. First day. I can't. I don't want to. The last time I really went to school was in like- March I guess I can't even remember right.

Well that means too that I don't know if I'm going to be able to update everyday as I usually do [or try at least] but I will keep you updated on that!

Ahh... It's going to be my last year of 'middle school' for German system. Gonn be fun. Yay😃
I gotta top my own best grades this year, I have to apply for a 'high-school' after the first semester soo~ pray for ya sis y'all😔✊

Please stay healthy and safe!


Get your emotional support kpop boy ready👀👀

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