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A/N- HELLLOOOOOO!!! HOW HAVE YOU ALL BEEN? ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS FANFIC??? I really hope so... it's not that good. I've read things better, but, this along with another, is my first time writing a fanfic. Anyway...
*posh voice* Enjoy this stupidly unedited chapter. :)

The twenty minutes went by surprisingly fast, and Calum and Ashton had been having fun. Calum even laughed a few times, which felt so amazing to him since he hadn't laughed in so long.

Their conversations didn't get too personal, and this was honestly the most fun Calum had had in a while. He was happier than he's been in a long time.

Until Luke and Michael got back...

Calum was listening to some story Ashton was telling him about something crazy he, Luke, and Mikey had done one time, when Michael carried a sobbing Luke inside.

He walked through the doorway and sat down on the couch next to the one Calum and Ashton were sitting on.

"Please calm down, baby. I know it hurts, but please. You're gonna make me cry, love," Michael begged.

Luke only cried harder. Michael sighed and pulled Luke's beanie off to run his fingers through the blonde's hair, knowing that usually calmed him down.

He ran his hand through once, pulling his hand back when he felt a wetness on his fingers. He gasped, looking at the blood on his hands.

"Lukey, did he make you hit your head? You're bleeding," Michael asked, concerned.

Luke nodded and whimpered. Michael moved his hair until he found the spot, closing his eyes in relief once he saw it wasn't as bad as it could've been.

"Hold on, love. I'm gonna lift your shirt okay? I need to see what else he did."

Luke nodded slowly, still crying but trying to calm down. Michael lifted the end his shirt up and looked under. There were too many bruises to even count. He could feel tears brimming in his own eyes.

"Oh God... okay... okay. It's okay, darling. You're okay now, I promise. It's over. You'll be fine," he whispered into Luke's ear, hugging him close.

Calum didn't know what to do it say during all of this. He sat, wondering what could've happened to the poor boy, who he thought would never have a breakdown like this. He also noticed how Ashton didn't jump up and try to help. He wondered why...

Michael shifted slightly and Luke moved a bit along with him. That was when Ashton snapped. There was a large bruise covering Luke's neck in the shape of a hand.

Ashtin shot up out if his seat. "I'll be back," he announced angrily. He was out to kill.

Luke, who had calmed down some by now, shook his head and went after him.

"Ashy. Wait, I'm okay now. See? I'm fine. Please don't leave. I don't want you to get hurt, Ash. Please don't leave," Luke begged and hugged Ashton, trying desperately to make the boy stay.

He knew how mad Ashton was. Ashton was about to go to Luke's house and try to set things straight, but well... violently. Luke couldn't let that happen. He honestly wasn't okay at all, but he would not let Ashton risk getting hurt over him. He knew how sensitive Ashton was about situations like this, since he went through very similar things himself earlier in life.

Ashton took a few deep breaths and looked at Luke's pleading face. That was all it took for him to calm down.

"Don't expect me to not take my ass over there next time. There better not even be a next time," he whispered and Luke kissed him gratefully.

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