Okay So...

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(Warning: I sound like a complete uncaring bitch in this. Just putting that out there so that if you think you might get offended by anything I say, you can stop reading now. I'm really sorry for this too. Like really sorry. Anyway, continue if you want)

Aloha guys I'm gonna be very straight forward here. I have no clue what to do about this story anymore.

It's not that I have writer's block. I just really don't have the drive to finish it. I barely even keep up with 5sos anymore. Don't get me wrong I still love them. Most of their music still appeals to me, but I guess the change in the fandom and the band itself is what drove me away. And don't come for me with the "everybody changes and bands change all the time" bullshit because I know that. I'm just not interested in their music style anymore which in turn makes me less aware of them as well. I still listen all the time and buy their music and things to support them because that's the right thing to do, but I just don't know anymore.

Like I can't have an opinion about something and be apart of the 5sosfam or I'll get attacked for it. Nearly everybody I've met in the 5sosfam acts a certain way (overly sensitive about anything and everything) and I don't act like that. I'm not judging everyone, just the ones I've encountered.

Also the fanfic has been dragging on and on and I'm kind of tired of trying to continue it. This fanfic is literally terrible. The storyline is boring and the writing style sucks.

I'm really sorry for this but like... I'm just over this. I'm over the fandom and the story and just everything.

I hate to be so blunt about it and I don't mean to sound rude I'm just really over it. If I do continue it, it'll be at random. Probably only if I have nothing better to do.

And I hate to start something and not finish it, but I just really can't. Literally none of my stories are done all for the same reason: I'm bored by writing them and better things have interested me.

Hate me all you want. Cuss me out in the comment section I really don't care at this point. I probably deserve it.

I'm very sorry for not continuing this and everything else I've started. I'm also sorry for anybody I've offended (because if I don't say that I'll get attacked for it later).

I'm sure nobody even read this far, but if you did and you aren't pissed off at me... I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT AND SORRY AGAIN!!!


ON A SIDE NOTE!!! IM A SOPHOMORE NOW!!! I did pretty good in my classes. My lowest grade was a 95 in... I think it was world history. I hated world history, but I'm so happy.

ITS SUMMER!!! If you're also out for summer break, what plans do you have coming up??? I am literally not doing anything because I'm boring like that.


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