(15) part two

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A/N: Dedicated to LukesCheerios for the hair color idea!!!

I know I said this would be done way earlier but I have had serious writer's block and this is really just a filler chapter because I kinda forgot about Michael's parents... oops hehe.

Anyway, I am very sorry for taking so long and then having basically nothing happen in this chapter that was at all exciting. I promise that the next one will be better though.

BUT HEYYY WHICH SONG DO YOU LIKE MORE: FLY AWAY OR JET BLACK HEART?!?!? I LOVE JET BLACK HEART SO MUCH (and I usually don't like picking favorites but jet black heart hits me in my feelings every single time)

BACK TO THE POINT!!! I hope everyone likes this horrible and unedited filler chapter at least a little bit because it is incredibly boring and I wouldn't blame you if you skipped it completely XD.


"You should dye it yellow so that I can start calling you banana," Luke said as he laid in his hospital bed with Ashton and one side and Michael on the other.

They were currently discussing what color Michael should dye his hair next. According to Luke, yellow would look amazing. Plus the nickname 'banana' sounded adorable to him.

Michael smiled down at Luke, who looked as if he would fall asleep at any second, and ran his fingers through the boy's flat blonde hair.

"Fine, I'll do yellow just for you, Lukey," he said quietly.

Luke nodded and sighed, rubbing his eyes to fight off the sleep that was about to take over. Ashton leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"Go to sleep, baby. You're dead tired and you need the rest," he told the younger boy.

Luke nodded again, pulling the sheets of the hospital bed closer to him and dozed off instantly.

Michael and Ashton each gave him one last kiss on the cheek before walking out of his room and down to the cafe to get some water.

"Are you seriously going to dye your hair yellow?" Ashton asked incredulously.

Michael nodded and chuckled. "If that's what our baby wants that's what he gets, right?"

Ashton rolled his eyes fondly and nodded, pulling Michael closer to him for a quick kiss.

After they got their bottles of water, Michael and Ashton sat down at one of the tables in the little cafe to talk about more important things than hair color now.

"So, what are we going to do about Calum?" Michael asked, earning a sigh from his boyfriend.

"I don't know. I kinda figured something was happening with Calum at home. I should've asked before, but it's too late now," Ashton answered, sounding disappointed in himself.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Ash. It's not your fault and you know it," the red haired boy told him. Ashton nodded reluctantly.

They were both silent as they finished their waters, contemplating on whether or not to stay or go home once they were done, and eventually deciding to go back to Michael's house and shower then come back to check up on Luke and stay in the waiting room until the next day.

"Come on, babe," Michael said, holding out his hand for Ashton to grab it as they walked out of the hospital.


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