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A/N: ALOHA GUYS!!! I HAVENT UPDATED IN A WHILE DO I EVEN STILL HAVE READERS?!?!? Lol probably not. I'm keeping this short and to the point. This chapter is hella short and pretty boring and really just a filler chapter. I hope you all enjoy it anyway!!!

BY THE WAY!!! Does anybody like kpop because I really wanna start like a kpop one shots book. Of course all the ships would be BoyxBoy BUT WOULD ANYONE READ IT!?!?!?

And I'll have the rest of the character ask questions done shortly.


ANYWAY!!! YOU CAN READ NOW!! (This hasn't been edited at all by the way. Sorry about that)

For the next few days, everyone had been trying make sure Calum was alright at all times, never uncomfortable at all.

Calum had to admit, it was a bit overwhelming at times, but it also showed him that they cared, so it was fine by him.

One thing that did annoy him, however, was the fact that he couldn't verbally thank them the way he wanted to. Writing or typing 'thank you' just didn't feel like enough. He knew how badly the boys wanted him to start speaking again, and he really, really wished he could make it happen for them. He just couldn't.

Since Calum had undergone surgeries and various different procedures while in the hospital, he couldn't do much once he got out. Everything hurt, but he was getting better everyday, much to the happiness of Luke, Michael, and Ashton.

Not only was Calum getting better, but so was Luke. Since his father met Liz, things have changed. He was no longer getting yelled at everyday. His father didn't hit him anymore either. But the best part: he was slowly but surely eating more.

The last time they weighed him, Luke had gained three pounds. Although he didn't feel as amazing about gaining weight as he probably should, the hugs and whispers about how proud his boyfriends were of him made him feel a little bit better.

"Lukey, where are you?" the blonde heard Michael call for him.

"In here with Calum," he answered, looking down at the sleeping boy cuddled up next to him.

Not even a full minute later, Michael and Ashton appeared in the doorway. They smiled at the two boys on the bed.

"We came to see if Calum needed anymore pain killers. It's six o'clock, so it's been about five hours since he last took some, but I guess he's fine. Do you need or want anything?" Ashton asked.

Luke shook his head and went back to threading his fingers through Calum's fluffy hair. He bit his lip and looked over at Michael and Ashton again.

"Actually... there is one thing I need to ask you," he said hesitantly.

"What is it?" Michael asked as he and Ashton walked into the room, Michael sitting on the computer desk chair with Ashton in his lap.

"Since Liz and my dad are married now, Liz has wanted to get to know me better. I may or may not have mentioned having you guys as my boyfriends, and she really wants to meet you. Thankfully she wasn't weirded out when I told her that I was dating both of you and Calum, if he wants to be included. Anyway, she invited you to dinner on Saturday. I was wondering if you would come," Luke explained.

"Sure, of course we'll go, but I have one question," Michael started. "They're already married? It's only been a few months."

Luke nodded. "Yeah, they had a court marriage a few days ago. I think it's too soon, but I'm really glad dad hasn't been... he's been acting like a person with actual sanity since meeting her, so I can't complain," he admitted.

Michael and Ashton nodded in understanding. They were just about to get up and leave when they noticed Calum was awake.

Calum sighed, cuddling closer to Luke and relaxing against his side. He opened his eyes when he felt a weight on the bed. Rolling over, he saw Ashton and Michael.

"Hey, babe, are you okay?" Ashton asked, leaning down and giving the still tired boy a kiss on the cheek.

Calum gave a thumbs up as a reply and earned a smile and nod from Ashton.

Michael came over, standing beside Ashton. "Are you hungry or anything? We ordered Chinese food and tried to wait on you to wake up, but I was really hungry," he admitted, giving Calum a slightly sorry face.

Calum only silently giggled and shook his head. He sat up, with the help of Luke, and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"You can't still be tired, Cal. You've been sleeping for nearly four hours," Ashton said after looking at the time.

Calum pouted and laid back down against Luke's chest, sighing peacefully.

Michael and Ashton laughed lightly when they noticed Calum already falling back asleep.

"Just call if either of you need anything, Lukey," Michael said, leading Ashton towards the door.

Luke nodded and with that they left the room, leaving Luke and Calum in a peaceful silence.

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