Chapter 11: Chahun Main Yaa Na

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Aanika walked out of the room with a headache. Pinky Mehra was dead set on hating her. But she didn't care. She shouldn't care. But in a corner of her heart, she pitied her. Afterall, that woman had faced her cheating husband and had the courage to walk away, knowing that her heart would always remain with that monster. It was beautiful but tragic. Poetic but catastrophic.

She was being led to her room right now. She had taken the job with conditions of a free wardrobe (Pinky wanted her to be tradition redefined and that couldn't happen in jeans apparently.), accomodation for the next three months and security to escort her whenever she went out with the kids. And she knew she would only go out with the kids. She wouldn't dare to step a foot outside of the mansion when there was someone that wanted her dead.

She had to play her cards right. She had to teach Omkaara how to be a good father and she had to make sure that she did it with no strings attached. She had to ensure that no one would ever miss her when she got out of here.

Because Oberois never forget. And she wanted to make sure that she never did something to remember. She needed to maintain her distance and do her job.

Keep the hate to yourself and give love but not too much. That was the motto she would live by.

Her feet halted when she saw him.

His kanji eyes narrowed at her as he stalked towards her. He might be a predator but she was no prey.

She countered his steps with a small step of her own. Looking up at him, she raised an eyebrow in question.

"What are you hiding?" He asked his teeth clenched and his eyes glaring.

She smiled sweetly at the man she wouldn't mind killing. "Nothing this country's privacy policy doesn't allow me to hide."

He took another step towards her, his chest puffing with anger. She stood taller and raised her head higher in response.

"Don't try to play smart."

"I don't want to play, not with you anyway."

His fingers dug into her shoulders. "Who do you want to play with then? Omkaara?"

Shs stumbled for a moment. His touch was warm, not like the cold tentacles that she wanted to imagine it as. Nonetheless, she looked up at him with faux innocence again. "I was talking about the kids, Shivaay."

It irritated him. She knew it. But the way his hold loosened just a bit made her wonder if he was irritated by her calling him by name or his own reaction to her calling him by name.

Tilting her head to the side, she asked, "So, you want your niece to sleep tonight?"

His clutch tightened again. "Are you threatening me with my family?"

She frowned. This man really thought the whole world was just like him, didn't he? Shaking her head she told him, "If you don't let me go, I wouldn't be able to tuck her in. That's what I meant."

"Don't call me by my name." He told her before letting go and walking off.

She wondered why she had to steady herself after he let go. She hated his presence but why did she hate his absence? Shaking her head she walked into Karaina and Reyaansh's room.

The room was painted blue and white with an entire wall painted with pink and purple murals. It was a beautiful room and the murals looked professionally done. Her eyes found the bed and she almost cooed when she saw Reyaansh curled up next to Karaina, reading her a fairytale.

"So, you already want me out, Reyaansh?" She cajoeled him as her feet led her to the bed.

"No, no." He shook his head vigorously. "I really want you here. See, I can't even carry her to her cot." He innocently told her and she ruffled his hair.

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