Author's Note.

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The book is discontinued or at least on hold until I find wherever I have kept the original plot. The book was actually quite dark, something that was hinted but not really expounded in first few chapters. It wasn't all sunshine and roses and I guess I just didn't want to deal with darker themes, which is ironic since I really wanted to write a flawed love story like theirs. Now, I don't think I can in any way do justice to that storyline.

The most I can do for leaving you all hanging, is publish the next few chapters I had written as drafts. The writing will suck, because I usually edit a lot before I upload but I just don't think I can do that with this story.  Plus, I am swamped with work right now. And the world wide pandemic isn't very conducive for creativity.

That being said, if you're curious about how this ends, I can try to summarize the book but given that the book initially had 40 chapters planned, that will be difficult.

In conclusion, the two options you have are-

¶ Leave the book as it is. Discontinued.

¶ Publish the next few chapters and then add in a summary to tie loose ends. ( This one might take eons, the summary part especially.)

Sorry for getting you all hooked and discontinuing but it is better to stop before I make a mess of the story.

See you all around later.

The Second Mother (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ