Chapter 4: Besabriyaan

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Shivaay cursed under his breath when he didn't find her where he had last seen her. He looked around in a frenzy and then looked back down at his hand. The hand that held the coffee cup she had thrown on him. The coffee cup that had the same mark as the one he drank from in the morning.

When he had driven down here, he had almost convinced himself that he only wanted the coffee. But when he had coffee splashed on his suit and face, it had been a wake up call. A wake up call for him to stop thinking from his arse. He didn't drive down for coffee, he drove down for her. Whoever that her was.

Then, he met her. The Jungli Billi who didn't believe in Destiny. And now, he wanted to see her again. He could convince her to work for him. He just wanted the coffee. Yeah, he just wanted the coffee. He didn't want her. Yeah, he didn't want to fall in love.

Then why was he searching for her?

He couldn't fall in love. And he wouldn't fall in love. Especially with a person who was clearly hung up over some past. He had heard it in her words. She was troubled. He just wanted to help her out. Or maybe take her help to figure out how to help Om. Yeah, he just wanted her help.

He took a deep breath. Trying to block the panic that had started to sink in. He had to get out of here. He needed to forget her, he decided as he ran back to his car and drove away to his studio. He needed to write a song and get her out of his system.


Pinky looked down at Reyaansh with confusion and anger. What did he mean by Second Mother? His pranks were getting out of hands these days. Taking his hand and guiding him to a sofa, she sat down and waited for him to talk. Her hand absentmindedly rested on her back which had been aching from the pain of running behind Karaina and carrying her everywhere.

Reyaansh noticed her hand and quickly flagged down a servant to bring her a hot water pad for the cramps. With the most innocence he could muster, he told her, "Now that my father has decided to marry his girlfriend and make her his second wife, she'll be my second mother naa?"

"Girlfriend!? Omkaara has a girlfriend?" She asked with outrage. This was unacceptable. How could her son fall in love again when Riddhima's post death rituals aren't even over yet? Her son wouldn't insult his dead wife like that. She was sure.

Seeing the doubt in his Daadi's eyes, Reyaansh quickly reassured her. "I met her in the mall, today. She was so sweet. She even fought with Papa when he scolded me. And you know, Daadi?" He asked a now thoughtful Pinky as he leaned and whispered in her ears as if it were a top secret, "Papa even bought me icecream because she said she'd kiss him if he did so."

Pinky's eyes widened. How shameless of a girl was her son courting? To talk about kisses before marriage and in front of a child. She was sure she was a gold digger.

When he saw her anger rising, he tired to pacify her by singing Aanika's praises, "She's even Indian, Daadi."

That caught her interest. Leaning forward, she asked him, "Does she have big black eyes? Long black hair?"

Mistaking her curiosity for interest, Reyaansh grinned and said, "Yes. I mean her eyes were a little on the browner side but I am sure it was just lights."

Eyes that change colour! Pinky was sure her son was bewitched by a witch. The nerve of this woman! She'd find her and she'd teach her a lesson. This witch would know what lengths Pinky was willing to go for Om.

Masking her anger with a forced smile, she asked Reyaansh, "So, do you know anything about this girl? Her name?Where she lives?"

Reyaansh grinned. He would make her his mother. By hook or by crook. A little white lie wouldn't matter when his grandmother gets them married, would it? He pulled a sad face as he said, "Papa didn't let her introduce herself properly but she did give me her number. Here I have it written down."

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