"Nanny Dove."

Nick laughed slightly.

"I nearly went off the road. She appeared in my front seat just a minute or so after I left the highway.

I was on my way here anyway."

Mable returned with the blanket and covered Henry.

"Keep him comfortable and once the pill is dissolved, you can give him a bit of water or juice, if he wants some."

"Thank you Doctor Rose."

Nick quickly took Henry's vitals.

"His heart rate seems to be pretty much back to normal. His colour is returning. It was probably just a minor attack or even angina."

"Ise feelin' a lot better, Dr. Rose. Tanks youse."

"Still. I want to take you to Corner Brook just to be sure. I have an appointment with the Chief of Staff there tomorrow anyway. Just have to do it a day earlier."

Nick stood up and looked at Harry and Harriette.

"I think he will be fine. I just definitely keep him overnight at the hospital and run some tests on him. We'll see how he is when tomorrow comes."

He patted Harry on the shoulder.

"Better safe than sorry."

He looked down at Henry.

"Are you okay with that Henry?"

"Yes Doctor," Henry whispered.

"Thank youse."

"You just sit there. Has the pain subsided?"

Henry nodded.


Nick walked around the counter and looked at the two men sitting on the floor.

"What is this?"

John Dove walked to Nick's side.

"Best Ise can figures is dat dese fellas bes wit dat Hirst guy dat was 'ere before, tryin' to get us all to sell da Bay to 'e."

Ron and Kenny Johnstone walked into the store.

"'eard wese 'as some trouble 'ere," Ron said, as he walked toward the two men.

"Who bes dese assholes?"

He looked over the counter.

"Is 'enry okay?"

"Is 'enry okay?"

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