He waved his rifle at the two men.

"Best the twos of youse be sittin' down dere on the floor. Only bes a few minutes before a couple more of me buddies shows up 'ere."

The two men hesitated.

"I said sit," John yelled, pushing the shotgun into the stomach of the larger man.

"Tell Ise punk," John smiled, "does youse feels lucky today?"

Slowly the two men sat on the floor, leaning against the counter.


"Who are you talking to?"

"My grandmother."

The two men looked around.

"Oh, don't worry. She's already gone."

Matty walked past the two men, still holding the scotch bottle and sat in Nanny Dove's rocking chair. She put the scotch bottle in her lap, still holding tight, to the neck.

"If I were you boys, I would walk out that front door, get in whatever piece of shit you drove here in and get the fuck out of Tuckamore Bay, as quickly as you can."

The bigger man's face was getting red

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The bigger man's face was getting red.

"I have half a mind to come over there and ..."

"And what?" Matty snapped.

"Hit me? Beat me up? Rape me?"

Matty shook her head, as she sipped her scotch.

"You wouldn't make it to your car, before you would be set upon by my family and before you knew it, both of you would be at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean."

The bigger man looked at his partner.

"Shut her up, or I will."

"Look, we were told that under no circumstance were we to hurt anyone. Just scare them."

The bigger man looked at Matty.

"Does she look scared to you?"

Matty was rocking gently in the rocking chair. Even though, outside, she looked calm and collected, inside she was a little terrified. But she knew she had to keep a brave face and the assurance, in her own mind, that Nanny Dove had already spread the word about what was happening, made her a little at ease.

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