Who dunnit???

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Camilas pov :
I called the police and told them what happened,they came 10 minutes later.
Police lady said "So tell us what u saw?"
I said "We found a note on the bed here it is" I hand her the note.

She looks at it and says "This person who wrote this sounds like an ex-girlfriend."

Dinah said "Yeah can you please
Get to the point m'aam"
Police lady said "So we need to know exactly how you tracked down austin"
I said "Austin's mum put a tooth tracker in his tooth so he didn't get lost or kid napped.So I called her and she went on her computer and logged in and it says she's near the street downtown"
The lady said "Which street??? We need to know!!!!"
I said "Its on ermm ........wait I forgot"
The police officer said "That's not good does anyone else remember"
Ally said "I remember the streets called modern street"
The police officer said "Do you guys know who this girl is????"
Lauren said "Yeah it's Camila's enemy Becky G and Austin's ex-girlfriend"
The police lady said "I know who Becky G she's extremely rude you girls were going to find Austin and you and Austin can be together,okay Camila"
I said "Yeh"

Austin's Pov:
I was still in the dark room until I heard police sirens.Becky must have stolen a jewellery store because when we were dating she was always giving me jewels.Until one day she admitted of being a jewel thief.
I was really angry at that fact so I gave all the jewellery back and I dumped her because of that and how she treated others.
I really missed her rapping,buy I don't care now because I have a sweet,innocent girl who can sing with lots of astonishing harmonies.
I've always thought Fifth Melody was a great name,but when I found out a band was called Fifth Harmony.I literally watched their performance of impossible and I fell for one hot girl.It was Camila,although she was pretty her voice was amazing.I actually tweeted her the first time and I wrote "Hey gorgeous,Do a great job tonight and also I voted for you ❤️😘"
She replied with "Thanks You're so sweet!! And I saw some of your videos and your cute and talented 😍☺️"

Some of my fans went wild at the fact so they assumed we were dating.
I didn't mind the Ausmila and CamAustin shippers as I thought they had very good otp taste.
I was starving in the cold dark room.I couldn't speak as I had tape around my mouth,but I heard shouting.
It kind of sounded like Camila and Dinah.
I was so so hungry that I could eat Camila or Dinah,but I was tied to a chair.
I saw a woman walking in with a police officer suit with Becky's hand cuffed .
Camila untied the rope and took the tape off.
Becky kept shouting at the police saying "Get off me!!!!! Austin!! Austin! Tell her we were joking I love you austin!!!"
They grabbed her and put her in the police car.
I saw Camila hugging me so I tightened the grip.
She said "I missed you and I remembered about your Tooth tracker"
I said "I'm so glad you did and I hope
Camidlad your not hurt and what made you think I was hurt"
I said "Well Camila,Becky said you were gone"
Camila said "where!!"
I said "Well she didn't tell me"
Camila said "Babe that bitch! Is a liar!!"
I said "You don't sound good when you swear"
Camila said "Will this change your mind?"
She forcefully kissed my lips and I said "Well......... U kiss better than swearing"
Dinah said "Awwwwww!!!!!!! That's so adorable and cute"
Me and Camila blushed.
Camila said "Austin we've missed our flight because of Becky so what shall we do????"

I said "We are celebs right?????"
Camila said "yessss so where you going with this!"
I said "Lets book a private jet for 8:30 pm it is 4:34 so just relax in that meanwhile"

Dinah said "Wow! That's a great idea"
Camila said "that's a great idea lets go back to the hotel"
So we walked it back to the hotel and we put on the television.We saw Becky G on tv.
The reporter was saying "Today,In England an American star called Becky G got arrested for kid napping Austin Mahone, a teen heartthrob.She was jealous of Austins new relation ship with the member from Fifth harmony
Camila cabello so this evening Becky got arrested"

The other reporter said "Becky was also using Social media secretly for Austins fans to ship Becstin the ship name for the two exes"
I rested my head on Camilas shoulder then I wrapped my arms around her waist.
I also just switched off the tv.
Lauren said "So what happened to Becky???"
I said "Lauren lauren didn't you hear on the tv she got arrested"
Lauren said "I did well I just wanted to hear your deep southern voice again ha ha!!"
Camila interrupted our little conversation and she said "Lauren I hope your not flirting with my boy- friend"
Lauren said "Please I've got a better boy called Brad simpson"
Camila said "Actually Austin's way more romantic and he knows me because Brad asked me what to get for you your anniversary ."
Lauren was just speech less and she looked pretty mad soi just rubbed her back.
Camila looked jealous so I hugged her and kissed her cheek.
I looked at the time and it was time for our private jet.
I had gotten everything including food.
Me and the rest of the fifth Harmony girls went to the private jet area.
We went inside and I sat next to Camila at the back and we hair cuddled up.
We were watching a movie,it was called Annie,i know it was for kids ,but Camila really wanted to watch it so I did.
It was worth it I think it was really good.
I was holding Camila's hand so we just kept watching movies.
Nothing exciting happened except couple stuff.Well we didn't do anything bad.
8 hours later................
We were finally back to Miami it was really sunny.
So I decided to go beach.
Thanks 4 reading there will be another chapter soon sorry I didn't update yesterday because I didn't feel like writing so please comment of what you think??? How was the chapter??
I think I should make it more dramatic.
Can someone give me some ideas!!!

Ausmila Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن