Bad gomez

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Camilas Pov:
Right now my fans thought I was single but I think I might become A couple with Austin.He was so nice he didn't deserve me,but I'm going to be honest Lauren always says I can do with a better boy.She hates Austin because of one awkward day.

It all happened when austin and I were at the ice cream parlour and Austin was Outside catching up with me.
I sat down but then I needed to the toilet so I went then Lauren took my seat.

Austin didn't notice it was Lauren so he went to her and touched up her waist and said "Hey baby girl"

Lauren looked back and said "Ewww!"
I said "You're not Camila!"
Lauren said "Do I flipping look like Camila and let's pretend this never happened"

Austin went into the restrooms and told me and I burst out laughing.
Well After that Lauren had nightmares about Austin.

She said in one dream Austin raped Ariana Grande and her.
Well I like austin and that but I think Austin would look better with Ariana she's like his type but she's older.

Anyways yesterday I just watched television with Austin and I just snuggled with him.Today it looked sunny so I got up brushed my teeth and straightened my hair.
I decided to put on foundation,eye liner,mascara and blusher.
I decided to put on a jumper saying 'Dope Gurl'
I was putting on my jeans but Austin was in the room I thought he was sleeping.Until he said "Good morning Dope Baby"
I blushed harder than anyone could have in the world.

I said "Good morning Bae"
Austin said "why did you call me bae"
I said "No reason"
He could tell I was nervous I was fiddling with my charm bracelet.
He was trying to make me blush so he started squeezing my hand softly.
I couldn't help be a goof ball and smile wide like an ediot.

Austin said "Would you like to be my Girl friend?"
I said "Yes! But first I want to give you a present"

I gave him a bow bracelet.
He said "It's so Me" in sarcasm.I smiled and said "I know it's kinda girly but I want you to wear it to show me you really love me"

He said "Ok but can I get a kiss?"
I said "sure"
I was being cheeky,he didn't say he wanted one on the lips so I just kissed his cheek and his cheeks turned red.
I pinched his cheeks and said "You're so cute! But...... Our fans can't know we're dating otherwise there will be so much drama going on".

Austin said "That's ok but I have to do a song with the witch Becky G in The studio"
I moaned and said "I wish i spent The day with you"
Austin said "Me too anyways I'm off"
Austins Pov:
I was standing next to camila until I decide to brush my teeth and take a shower.Once I was done i starting styling my hair until it was just right.

I went outside and hollered "Taxi!!!!!!!"

I went into the taxi and the driver soda "where do u wanna go?"
I said "Rover Studio 48"
He said "Ok Mr Mahone"
I liked the sound of Mr Mahone,it sounded awesome.
I got out of the car and sighed as I had to make my fans happy by pretending to give signs of Becstin.My management made me do this for The fans.

I walked into the studio and I greeted Becky with a hug.
I'd be honest but she kinda looked hot with her new dyed hair she looked smokin good.
I had a girlfriend so I focused on the music.

I started on the mic first and sang
"Hey girl I developed feeling for you but when I saw your booty it was hot though aye girl I love you more than
This world.You blew my socks when I heard your voice."
Becky started rapping "Yo boy I can't even tell if you like meh you try so hard when you're looking fine so I see you checking her out oh baby boy".
(Sorry I had to make this up as I went along lol 😂 it probably doesn't even make sense)

When we finished Becky and I took a break.
she went up to me and say so close to me so the managers took pictures.
Becky started kissing my forehead.
So I shouted at her and spas "Rebecca i hate you! go get a boy because I'm dating someone already"
Becky had her phone put so I said "what you doing?"
She said "Taking selfies of me"
I wasn't sure I think she had recorded when I said I'm dating someone.

Later that day I told Yeh driver to go to the interview place.
When I got there I greeted the lady with a hug and hi.
She greeted me back Nd she started the first question.
The lady said "Fans want to know If you and Becky are a couple"
I said "Can I say that me and Becky are not friends or dating."
The lady said "If you don't mind saying why aren't you friends?"
I said "well Becky gets in My way of my friendship with Fifth Harmony especially with my best friend Camila"
The lady said "Ok next question is Are you single or taken"
I said "T- I mean single"
I was about to say Taken but I didn't.The interview was over and I went on my phone and noticed I had millions of Notifications about becky.

Becky posted the video of me saying "i hate you I'm dating someone already"
I saw millions of comments saying hashtag Ausmila.
Becky posted another video an hour later.
She posted a video of me and Camila making out during the summer tour.
Does Becky stalk me??
I think I'm going to be scared now.
She's such a naughty bitch.

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