Nose piercing

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Camilas Pov: I woke up with beautiful warm arms around me.I got out of Austins warmth and then I just quickly ran to the shower.

I was lucky not to trip as I'm an a accident prone,thats what my band calls me.

I quickly just washed my hair and put shampoo and washed it agiain.
Then I put on body wash and I did my other stuff.

I quickly got out with a gown wrapped around me.I went into one of Austins draw and grabbed a shirt.

I put it on aswell as my skirt.
I think I woke up austin and he saw me in my bra so I quickly as fast as I could put on his t shirt and my skirt before he could say anything.

He just looked at me and said "Good morning princess camilious"
I said "good Morning and you've been stalking my Instagram."

Austin said "Maybe! U never know"
I just laughed my socks Away.
I put on my black converse and I spit on my white gown.

I said "Bye Austin"

He said "Bye gorgeous"
I quickly ran into an elevator and I saw this girl.

She looked like I had seen her before.

She said "Hello Camila remember me from last night"

Oh I remembered it was the girl that me and Austin told about our

I said "Oh Yeh I remember you hey "
She said "can I take a picture"
I said "ermm I don't know"
She said "Wow that's funny because I was kidding with you"
I said "Pshhhht I knew that!"
She said "Yeh"

I said "How old are you"
She said "I'm 17"
I said "cool"

We finally arrived near my hotel room.
I ran into the room and the girls all ran to me and hugged me.
Ally shouted "Austins taken it"
I said "Taken what"

She said "You know what don't play dumb with me!"
I said "No really "

Lauren bursts out her mouth and said "You two were doing it"
I said "No we wasn't honest! I wouldn't lie to you lollo"
Lauren said "I believe you"
Ally said "Sorry Camila"
I said "Its ok as long as you haven't said anything on social media"

Ally said "Errrrr why would we do that"
She was hesitating so that meant something was up.
Ally said "Well I did post a tweet about it and wrote Camila and austin are naughty rebels in the hotel"

I spat out "What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I started crying
I started panicking and I said "I will get so much hate!"
Ally tweeted another tweet saying Camila and Austin pranked an old lady at the hotel #rebels #OTP
I said "I'm glad you tweeted that ally"

She said proudly "Anything little sister"
I said "You shouldn't be proud I Can't believe you told them a lie"
She then just made a blank space face.

ally said "Camila I'm not! I've just got a blank space for you baby"
I couldn't help to laugh at her.
I just quickly got changed and wore a blue long dress and I just curled my hair.

Normani decided to do my make up so I let her.
I looked pretty good so I called austin and said "where are you?"
He said "I'm on my way home babe"

Everyone said "awwwww!!"
10 minutes later I heard a knock on the door,it was Austin.
I opened it and he said "Surprize!!!"
Everyone gasped at him and I said "why did u do that"
He said "I wanted to change"
I said "your perfect just the way you are"

Dinah interrupted and said "Camila don't start stating songs"
I just laughed at her and I said to austin "Won't your fans and mum freak?"

He said "Whoops I forgot about that and do u like my new hairstyle"

I said "Yeh I love it!!!"
He said "Do you like my nose piercing "

Lauren said "Its horrible austin I can't believe you done this"
I said "Ermm I'm going to be honest but I don't like it"
Austin shockingly said "Ok if u don't like it then what shall I do?"
I said "Ask for your mums approval and see what your mahomies think"
He said "Great advice"

Austin went into his mums suite with me and he said "mum I got a piercing on my nose what do u think"

His mum said "Austin!!! Don't please don't change your perfect and I'm really sorry but I don't want you to have a nose piercing you will get lots of hate sorry sweetie just take it out"

Austin said "fine! but I'll see what my fans have to say"
Mum said "If they hate it it's going away"

I said "deal!"
Me and Camila left the suite hand in hand.
Austin said to me "Wow Camila I forgot to hug you and to say you look pretty"

I said "Thanks"
Also I just hugged tightly for 10 second then we let go.
Austin took a close up picture of his nose and captioned it 'what do y'all think' on Instagram.
I saw so many comments saying "eww"

Some people also wrote his turning into Justin Bieber.
They gave so many negative comments that austin became rally upset at the hate.
I said "Forget them"

Austin said "I can't forget that you and my fans find it horrible"
I rubbed his back and he said "you know what"
I said "what"
I can't believe what he done.He pulled his nose piercing and threw it in the floor.
I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

Austin ran to his suite and I ran before I could go in he slammed the door.

I said "Austin let me in!!! Please"
He said "No I'm just going to kill myself"

I said "Please don't"
I started crying and I said "If you kill yourself then you won't see me again And I won't see you"
I kept crying and crying and I heard Austin say "Don't cry! please I love you"

I said "I love you too!"
He said "Ok Camila for you I won't kill myself"
I said "Thank you!"
I left and went to Michele,austins mums suite and told her what just happened.

I sat beside Her.
Michele said "My son loves you very much and I think his planning to marry you"
I said "really"
She said "Maybe because his been really unsocial with me and he just talks to you"

I said "Wow and I'm glad austin didn't kill himself and here's this"
I gave her Austin's piercing which he threw on the floor.

She said "have a good sleep and you're so sweet"

I went into my suite and
I quickly put my pyjamas on.
I went to sleep!!
Thnks 4 reading comment so I can update every day

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