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Camilas Pov:
Today was the day to go back to America,we had our little stay in England.
The hotel was really nice.We were really excited to meet our family again but mine went on vacation for two weeks which was sad.They decided to go Cuba where I was first born in.
Sofia always asked me "is Austin your boyfriend,camila"
I said "no"
I always sighed when she asked because I wished then,but now it's actually true.Me and Austin are together and I'm really happy.
Sofia and Austin got along really well as she likes it when he sings.
PHis been teaching her how to sing on my karaoke box.I start to laugh Everytime I hear Austin and her singing.So last Time I made a video of them on Instagram and captioned 'Austins good wiv kids'
He commented on my video and wrote 'yes I am,gorgeous😘😂😍'
He wrote that when he was crushing on me.Well Ally showed me one of his old interviews and he just bit his lip everytime I was mentioned.Then he admitted on having a crush on me.

I was going to stay at Austin's as my house they're was no there.
I was lucky to get company in Austin's house where his Mum,Robert and Alex were.
Lauren wanted to come along so nothing strange happened.I still couldn't believe she didn't trust me.
Anyways,i got up and had a shower I did all the usual things.After That,I combed my hair and brushed my teeth.
I had cereal with milk,i chose frosties as they were nice.I didn't know they had them in England I thought they were only in Canada.
I just decide to curl my hair.I decide to wear a blue skater dress with black leggings and blue uggs.
Fans in England were very nice.
I checked Twitter and heard a lot of mahomies and harmonisers were going to meet us at the airport.
I decide to put some make up on to do a bit of effort.
I heard a beep and it was the usual guy.
Austin😘-Tell the girls to wake up and get ready as our flight is going to be in several hours.😉
Me-😏They're all ready! So do u want to leave now for the airport.
Austin- Sure thing babe!! Just tell the girls to meet us at my suite.i told the boys.Do u know the Vamps and Bars and melody are staying in England as they live here.
Me-Yeh I know!! I know 4 sure
Austin- You don't need to send one directions steal my girl lyrics.
Me-Lmao 😂 That was actually true as well.
I told the girls "Girls get your shoes and handbags on we're leaving for the London,Airport so chop chop austin said meet him in his suite"
The girls quickly Applied make up and they could see I was getting frustrated.So lauren said like I was a little cute puppy "Is my little Camzi in puppy love"
I blushed and said "Maybe or Maybe not.......... You never Know........."
They started laughing and said "you've learnt that from Austin,Haven't you??"
I said "maybe or maybe not!"
They said "You have!!!!"
I said "come on girls lets go Austins been waiting for over 30. Minutes so quick hurry up"
Lauren blurted out "Alright miss lovey dicey keep your booty on!!!"
Ally was the only one laughing so it was awkward for her and we all except lauren stared at her.
Ally interrupted the silence by saying "okay guys hurry Austins waiting"
I said "why do you care???"
She sighed and said "I just wanted to change the subject"
I said "ok"
I got a phone call from my mother sinu.
I said "hey mum"
Sinu said "Hello sweetie I was told on Twitter of notifications that you and Austin are dating? Is this true"
I said "Are you mad????"
She quickly said "why would I be asking as your happy so are you with him"
I said "yes we're together"
She said "That's brilliant anyways love you bye"
I said " love you too bye!"

The girls followed me out of the suite.
We got our bags and suitcases and held them to Austin's beautiful suite.
We all went in and they're was a shocking note on the bed saying 'I have austin and I will only give him back if Camila splits with him'
Everyone gasped at the note.We all said in unison "who did this? We must find out"
I started crying! So badly Lauren rubbed my back and said "You and Austin will be together,i promise"
I said to lauren "Please lolo don't promise me anything or it won't happen"

Austins Pov:
It all happened when I heard a scream and I thought it was Camila so I went to this closet.
I was walking and walking until someone put their hand over my mouth.
I thought Camila was trying to be funny.
Until i realised the door was an alley way shortcut.
I saw the firmiliar looking girl.I couldn't believe my eyes it was Becky G.Me and her dated last year but I couldn't stand her rudeness so i broke up with her.Eversince then she said "Watch out! Your future will be a curse by me"
I didn't believe one word but I found out she wasn't alone when she teen-napped me.
I said "why????"
She said "You know why"
She slapped my face too.
I was really angry with her so I decide to ask her "what do you want eh! I hope you don't take Camila"
Becky said "Ah ah great idea!!!"
I started shouting "please know not her!!!! I love her to pieces"
Becky said in evil looking eyes "Well if you love her well she's gone"
I said with tears in my eyes "where?????"
I screamed at her and she did the same.
I was screaming "Help!! help!! Help!!"
she said "It will only make the situation worse"
So she taped my mouth and dragged me to this dark looking room.
She threw me roughly in there.
I was so dumb I left my phone in my hotel suite.
My mum always had this tracking device in my tooth so that can help the girls find me.
I was so angry,i just kept on thinking of all the negative things she could do to Camila.She was my Ex-girlfriend so she was going to hurt Camila bad!
I don't know why I ever dated Becky maybe because her Dad was a record deal signer.Thats the whole reason,but Camila I dated her because of her personality and her flaws.
I was starving.
I hope she doesn't threaten Camila I'm afraid.
I only ever told Camila about the chip tracker in my tooth,maybe she would remember.

Camila's Pov:
I couldn't believe what happenedI saw Austins phone and I looked at his mums text messages.It said something about a chip in his tooth.
I said to the girls "Girls we can track Austin down!"
They all said "how???"
I said "His mum put a chip in his tooth so if he got mobbed by fans or teen napped by them she knew where they were"
Lauren said "wow you have a lot of intelligence"
I smiled and Said "Thanks!"
She said "Your welcome"
I got my cell phone and called Michele Mahone.
I said "Hey,your sons in trouble"
Michelle said "Hello Camila what kind of trouble"
I said "His been teen-napped by someone and they left a note saying you can have austin back if you break up with him"
Michele said "I know exactly who it is?"
I said shocked "who???"
She said "Becky G"
I said "No way!!!!"
My mouth dropped
She must have been his ex-girlfriend.
I said "Michele I want you to track down Austins tooth chip"
She said "ok wait a few minutes"
We all waited for a few minutes until Michelle's said "It says they're in an alley way in Modern street"
I said "That's just across the street"
Michelle said "Bring police with you so they can kill her"
I said "thanks michele"
I ended my call and I dialled 911
Sorry but I'll carry this on for the next chapter to Surprize you guys.

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