Rumours fly

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Camila Pov:
I went on my phone and checked my twitter.I got lots of notifications saying "Camila check this out is it true you used austin"
I checked the article.I Read the title and it said 'The shocking reason why Ausmila split'
I started to read and the people who wrote this had written hurtful words about me.
They said that I used Austin for selling albums,but clearly I liked the way he treated people and me.The article said that 'Camila got upset that austin said to Camila that she is using him and she wanted to break up as his words were hurtful'
I was so sad I started crying and my mum came in saying she saw the article and she tweeted the people of Hollywood life about the fake article.
That Article was a total fake,which was unpleasant.I was so angry that my fans thought I used Austin.
I checked Austins Twitter and he replied to Hollywood life.
Austin said "This is is the most ridiculous reason I have ever heard,me and Camila are still close and we might have broken up by the hate"
He said might I was glad he never told the truth as all the harmonisers would start harassing him.
I said to my harmonisers 'Nobody is the bad guy austin has a great heart and he doesn't deserve all this's
After 1 hour I deleted that tweet as Lauren might think why am I sticking up for Austin.
I still haven't told Lauren about austin saving me.
Normally she was the first person I would tell about amazing stuff.
I guess I didn't want Lauren to think i'dd date any fella.
I didn't chose Austin for his looks I chose him for his personality but I do think he is also cute.
My mum and Dad think austin is a gentle man which is so true.He treats me like a princess,i thought Austin likes becky.He said "He doesn't have any feelings what so ever to Becky he has feelings for a Cabello"
I was blushing that day it was so magical like other moments with him.
I checked what my mum said to Holly wood tv.She said "I've cleared more tears in three days then my whole entire life because of you people"
That was so obvious I loved Austin so much but I was happy that Austin would know how much I love him.
I told my fans on Twitter saying 'I'm taking a break from Twitter for a few days'
I hated all the hate even though hate was a big word.
I got a text from Lauren,we just had a conversation 😘
Lauren🐵How are u doin?
Me- Stressed at Hollywood rumours
Lauren🐵I mean with Austin?
Me-I could have died yesterday but Austin saved me I was choking on a burger and Austin did Cpr on me and we kissed.He asked to get back together my brain said "lets hangout more first"

Lauren🐵- OMG Austin!!!!! Did Cpr on you.
Me- Yeh he did p.s I love him so much and anyways bye xx baby
I got call from my phone I answered and said "Hello who's this?"
"It's Mr Mahone" Austin said
I said "Ok Austin wanna go watch a movie tonight"
Austin said "Camila Yeh come to mine in about an hours time"
I couldn't wait so I wiped my tears and curled my hair and put some make up on.
I wore a sparkly red dress,i knew red was Austin's favourite colour so I tried impressing him.
I drove to his house and knocked on the door.
Austin opened the door and said "Hey baby girl come in!!"
He winked at me so I blushed like mad.
I came in and he led me upstairs.
He sat next to me and he said "do you wanna watch Cameron Dallas new film expelled?"
I said "Yeh I was dying to watch that but with you sounds better"
As the film started I started looking at him.He noticed so he said you can lean back on the bed.
So we got cosy inside his bed and I started holding his hand.He put his arm around my butt and I didn't mind.
He mumbled "Love your ass"
I said "Thanks"
Austin stared into my eyes but I couldn't help to stare back so I did and we started leaning in and then his lips went on mine.
I snuggled closer to Austin.
We were lucky that Austins Mum was at my mums house.
Austin said "Do u wanna sit on my lap babe"
I said "Yeh I'm really cold"
I sat on his Laps and I started playing with Austins fingers. I started laughing at a scene on austins tv when Felix starts singing 'You're a traitorous butt munch'
Once the film finished I said to Austin "Do you wanna be my boyfriend again"
He said "Yeh I would Karla Camila Cabello"
I hugged him tightly and said "I had a great night"
As soon as I came home,my mum said "Where have you been?"
I said "I was at Austins having a date"
My mum said to Michele Mahone "Mrs Mahone you're son is such a sweet heart because yesterday he saved my Camila from choking as he did Cpr on her"
I said "Mum why did u mention the Cpr thing"
I just went to my room and watched videos of Austin.I saw one video of Austin and Robert Goofing around.

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