82- Very Much Yes

Start from the beginning

We all hop out of the truck and walk through the crowd trying to find the boys. I instantly spot my giant and tell the other three to follow me.

"Well hello," My boyfriend grins as I approach looking me up and down

"Here is this," I laugh, handing him his coffee, "and this," I hop on my tippy toes to give him a quick kiss

"Thank you," he smiles down at me as he slithers his arm around my waist. Resting his hand on my hip "I like this dress,"

"Oh really?" I raise my brow as I look up at him

"Very much yes," he nods and I roll my eyes. He was such a guy sometimes.

He just laughs at me before kissing the side of my head as we looked around at everyone here. This was solely for the seniors, the people we'd been with for the last four years.

"Kazer. Hand. Remove it." Arrex orders as he joins us along with everyone else. I didn't even realize he'd been trailing his hand up and down my side until my brother pointed it out.

"What? Her dress is soft!" Caleb grins mischievously and I just laugh. All of our dresses were the same color as our prom dresses, mine was a soft velvet royal blue bodycon dress.

"I don't give a shit," Arrex rolls his eyes at his best friend

Everyone laughs at the two before sitting down around the fire.

"Guys I have a serious sense of dejá vu right now," Jordan smiles, looking around at all of us.

"Why?" Ace snorts

"We started this year out all together around a fire at the Kalanski's and now we're ending the year the same way," he smiles sadly

"Aw," The four of us girl are look at eachother with sad faces

"Just wanna thank you guys for letting me into this group of yours," Brett says "I haven't found very many people in my life that accept me for me and you all did, so thank you," He smiles and I almost cry.

"Of course," Ty grins "All that matter is that you're a good person we don't give a shit about thing else,"

"Exactly," I grin "I love you guys,"

"Me too," Co adds

And then we all start to laugh. How we go from a sad moment to laughing our asses off is beyond me.

"When the fuck did we become so sentimental," Beck laughs

"For real, we're all assholes, that shit doesn't happen often," Wes grins "So on that happy note, beer pong?"

"Let's go,"

"Hey Co," I smirk "1v1, let's go,"

"Nah," he just shakes his head "Don't wanna embarrass you,"

"Hmm sounds like excuses to me," he's been talking mad shit all night, let's see if he can live up to it "C'mon bitch,"


Ten minutes later, he's cheering and I'm not. So he did in fact embarrass me, however, I did put up a fight. I only had a cup left.

"So was I right or just not wrong?" He smiles as we walk away from the table

"You're an ass,"

"I'm youre ass,"

"Yes you are," I can't help but smile at the stupid grin on his face. I loved this boy.

"I think I'm done drinking for the night," I chime as we walk through the party. I seriously felt like I was going to throw up. If I drank anymore I without a doubt would.

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