Part 1

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1- Baon- (Filipino word) means packed lunch or food.

2- Pochero- is a Spanish-influenced Filipino dish that typically consist of pork belly, beans, smoky sausage, vegetable and tomato sauce. (a stew) (

3- Ola- (Portuguese word) Hello!

The room is filled with annoying noises, coming from the filthy mouths of my classmates. This is fine, as long they don't disturb me.

I am playing with mind, remembering the image of a "dream catcher" which I saw randomly saw on the internet last night. I am concentrating in front of the sketch pad and holding this pencil, carefully tracing the paper. Making sure that the drawing is clean and tidy, free from the pencil marks since I commit mistakes.

I am enjoying my quiet and partially peaceful life in the corner near the window. I am glad that I can now endure those noisy people around me unlike before, I tend to get out of the room for me to draw peaceful. However, the happy times of drawing are over as the teacher enters the room. My classmates went to their seats and zipped their mouths. I am the only one who is seating on my proper seat, I took my book and notebook in this subject and sat properly. She started the discussion while my classmates were scrambling to get their things.

Oh, wait! I am not listening to her. Once I opened my notebook, I grabbed a pen and doddle anything running in my mind. It's not like I hate studying, but I want to spend this time being "creative". If I am not drawing, I may be writing a poem or a draft for a story.

After the first subject of the day, my classmates went back from being a quiet angel into wild demons as they are. They went back to make noise and continue making chaos and mess in the room. Since the class president is not around at this moment, I started to scatter the chairs, doodling the whiteboard, singing, and so on. They are partying like there's no tomorrow.

My ears are now irritated to the noises that they are making, so I brought out my cellphone and earphones hidden in my bag and play my favorite song and avoid any disturbances. I haven't stand up since I arrived at the school. As a slow love song played, at the door I saw her...

"Agatha..." I saw her, the most beautiful and amazing girl that I have encounter in my whole life. She arrived in the room late and not attended the first class. She appears to be exhausted after enduring the typical Monday rush hour. From that, I have an idea that she lives outside of this village. Despite being exhausted from facing the Manila rush hour, it doesn't show up to her face.

She runs fast going to her chair and seat down to her seat. It was fast, but it becomes slow to me. Her black straight hair is still bouncing perfectly. She has this angelic, bright face enticing my eyes to look at her even more. Agatha is taking me to breathe away, the hand of time paused a bit while my lured eyes cannot stop looking at her.

"I am sorry! I am late!"

"Where are your books?"

"It's in the locker."

She runs at the back of the room, opened her locker, and took her book and notebooks. After that, she immediately went back to the place and seated. Meanwhile, I continued looking at her, her beautiful and sophisticated face. Her bright smile and twinkling eyes, and soft voice, taking my eyes away from the art that I am doing in the sketch pad. I nearly forgot the additional details of this drawing.

In a short time, I completely forgot what I am drawing and instead turned the sketch pad in a clean paper and drawing another. Since I got distracted by her, I decided to draw her. I haven't finished what I am doing, yet I started another one. I start to trace a face, her almond eyes, quite a pointy nose, and straight brown eyes. The important thing I started tracing the new thing that I am going to do.

I Love you AgathaWhere stories live. Discover now