I couldn't even really make since of what was going on, everything was madness.  When we got out of our dressing room everything got worse.  People were running around, shouting things, and you could head people screaming from the audience.  I don't even know who grabbed my shoulders and guided me to the side of the stage.

"Okay," An unfamiliar voice said into my ear, "Go onstage when you hear your name called, got it?  Not your bands name or any one else's, your name." I nodded, and a microphone was shoved into my hands.  My legs started to shake as I heard people screaming louder from the audience, that means it's starting.

"Hello, and welcome to the first live show of The It Factor!" One of the announcers asked.  I didn't even know his name, how awkward. "As you all know, today is more of a qualifying round.  Our acts that didn't quite make it will preform today, and your votes will determine who continues on in the competition.  Now, let's get this started, shall we?  Our first act is a band known as Silent City,-"

People screamed, and I flinched.  Were they screaming for us?  Really?  It had never really crossed my mind that we were even somewhat famous.  The show had only aired at the beginning of the week, but I guess that was enough time for people to pick favorites.

"Preforming Everybody Talks by Neon Trees! And here they come, Serenity Davis, Kyle Jones, Andrew Woodly, Scott Adams, and Tristan James!"  Oh crap, that's my name!  I quickly ran onto stage without looking back, plastering a huge smile on my face.  Kyle met me halfway, grabbing my hand for support.

I looked out into the audience, trying not to let my breath hitch. This was a huge deal, and a lot more scary then our auditions. No, thousands of eyes were locked on us, ready to listen. They were who we needed to impress, because they could keep us in this competition.

Well, here goes nothing...


After our performance, I was absolutely thrilled.  The high that I experienced every time I preformed was going strong, I felt good about it, too.  Everyone seemed to like it, we got lots of cheers, and even Mia, the judge who didn't like me, said that we were growing on her.

All in all, I would say that's a successful performance, right?

Now it was all up to America.

I giggled to myself, handing my microphone off to someone else.  As I headed back to my dressing room, Kyle grabbed my hand, giving me a kiss on the cheek.  Could life get any better, honestly?  If my mom would get better, then I would be on top of the world.  There would be nothing left I could ask for.

After changing out of my clothes, because I couldn't keep the costume, no matter how much I wanted too, I grabbed my purse and sat down, grabbing my phone so I could wait for the boys.  How they took longer then me to change I had no idea.

We had become quite popular on Twitter this past week.  If we were voted back into the show, we would get all of our accounts verified.  Maybe that was one of the things that made this so real to me, just little things like that.

"Hey babe, ready to go?"  Kyle asked, jogging over to me.  I shoved my phone in my pocket, standing up.  Since we wouldn't know the results until tomorrow, we were able to leave once we were done preforming.  I looked around, trying to find the other boys.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, wrinkling my eyebrows.  We couldn't leave without them, if someone got pictures that would look weird.

"They headed out already." Kyle shrugged, grabbing my hand and pulling me along.

"What?!" I exclaimed, yanking my hand from his.  He turned around, looking startled. "If those cameras catch us leaving separately, they'll start all kinds of rumors.  Am I the only one who thinks of these things?!  Honestly, I don't know-"

"Hey, calm down," He chuckled, grabbing both my arms. "Deep breaths," Sighing, I let out a huff, hoping that counted as a 'deep breath.' "They wanted to go something to eat, but I wanted to just go back to the hotel with you..I hope you're not mad..."

I bit my lip, "I'm not,"  The truth was, I was hungry, but going back to the hotel alone with Kyle sounded like a really good idea.  We haden't really had much time for 'couple time,' and the boys weren't fond of PDA.

"Yay," Kyle cheered, his face lighting up. "Come on, they got another limo for us to take."

"We could've taken a cab," I laughed, shaking my head.  Then again, there were the paparazzi, fans, and stuff like that to look out for.  It was probably a good idea to take the limo.

The whole way home, I leaned my head on Kyle's shoulder, and let myself doze off.  Preforming really took a lot out of me.  After the high wore off, I would crash and burn.

"Babe, we're at the hotel," Kyle whispered, shaking my shoulder.  I blinked, looking around groggily.  Had we really came all the way back to the hotel that fast?  I frowned and got out, hobbling toward the door.  Wow, I was more tired then I thought!

Physco wasn't in the lobby, thank the Lord!  I haden't seen her for weeks, so maybe she got fired for being overly clingy to the other contestants that stayed in this hotel.

When we got into our hotel room, I put my hair into a messy bun and quickly took my make up off.  I stole one of Kyle's shirts and put it on with a black pair of Sophie's.  Then, I climbed under the covers, logging onto twitter one more time.

Tonight was amazing, we're relying on all of your votes!  Please, please, please, we need your help!  If you want to see us continue, vote! :) xx

I sent the tweet and rubbed my eyes, yawning.  This probably wasn't what Kyle thought of as a good night together, but I didn't know how much longer I could stay awake.  Just as I was falling asleep, Kyle walked out of the bathroom, wearing only a pair of basketball shorts.

"You did great tonight," He smiled, sliding into the bed next to me.  He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled into my neck, making me giggle.

"So did you," I responded, running my hands through his curls.  His hair was so soft!  He looked up at me, a huge grin on my face. "Do you think they'll vote for us?"

"Of course I do," He said, pressing his lips to mine.  I kissed him back for a few seconds before pulling away, trying not to yawn. "How about we watch a movie and go to bed early?  We have a big day tomorrow."

I sighed in relief, "That sounds perfect."

So I fell asleep watching Captain America, feeling happier then I had in a long time.


Picture of Serenity's outfit on the side! -------------->

Sorry for the somewhat boring chapter...

I've started this new thing where if you're ever wondering when I'll update, all you have to do is check my profile.  I'm putting up the dates that I think I'll have the chapters done, and I'll update it every time I post a new chapter.  Please note, however, that it's just an estimate, and I might upload before, or after the time I say I will.

Thanks for reading!


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