Chapter 15

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"Hey guys, what's happening?"  I asked, placing my hands on my hips.  I gave them my best 'tell me or else' face.  They just stared at me, searching for the right words.

"I..Um..Um," Scott stuttered, looking at the floor.  I rose an eyebrow, something was definitely going on.  The boys didn't want to tell me something, but what was it?

"It's nothing," Kyle shrugged, picking up his notebook, "We just needed to tell you that we're almost done with the song we've been working on."  Honestly, that was his cover up?  I knew they were done with the song already.  Sighing, I decided to leave it alone.

"Whatever, I'm going to visit my mom," I said, grabbing my pure from the couch.  I put it on my shoulders and headed up the stairs, ignoring the sighs of relief from the boys.  "Hope, I'm leaving!"  I called, heading out the front door. 

The warm summer air hit me hard, making me smile.  I loved the heat, it made me happy.  Skipping to my car, I tried not to think about what was waiting for me at the hospital.  My mom was making progress, but it was still sad to see her that way.  She was so thin and looked half dead.

Starting up the car, I drove down the street.  It was actually my moms car, but I was borrowing it while she was in the hospital.  I had to get around some way.

I pulled into the hospital parking lot, taking a deep breath.  I needed to stay calm, I couldn't freak out or cry in front of my mom.  Every time I did it would freak her out, and the doctors got upset with me.

"Hey, June," I smiled at the receptionist at the desk.  Yes, I had gotten to know her.  Sad, I know, but she was here everyday and would always give me chocolate when I came out crying.

"Serenity, I was wondering if we were going to see you today," She chuckled, setting her paper work aside. "I've heard your moms been making progress."

"Yeah, she's gaining weight," I chirped, leaning on the desk. "They're saying she can start physical therapy soon."

"That's great, Hun," June cheered, "Hurry on up, her scheduled nap starts in thirty minutes."

"Yes, Ma'am," I saluted her, heading to the elevators.  The ride up to the sixth floor was silent, I was the only one in the elevator.  As I headed down the halls, several nurses smiled at me.  I knew all of them by name, it was really sad....Wow, maybe Hope was right, I needed to spend more time away from the hospital.

But I just couldn't bring myself to do it.  I felt guilty, like it was my fault any of this happened, and somehow being with my mother everyday made it see okay.  Well not okay, but better.

I knocked on the door, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves.  It was just my mother, I shouldn't be nervous.

"Come in," Called her familiar voice.  Smiling, I walked inside, closing the door behind me. "Oh, hello dear,"  My mom said, giving me a smile.

"Hey," I sat down in the chair next to her bed, grabbing her small hand, "How're you doing today?"

"I feel better then I have in a long time," She beamed at me, "Thank you for visiting again, dear," My smile faltered a bit, but I forced it to stay on my lips.  A part of me hoped she would remember every time I came in, but she never did.  I would't loose hope though, she had to remember at some point.

"What did the doctors say?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.  Her eyes lit up in excitement, like she had something special to tell me.

"I start physical therapy tomorrow," She announced proudly.  I let out a little squeal of happiness.  If she could start physical therapy that meant she had gained enough of her weight back!

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