Chapter 5

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My first day of school actually wasn't to sucky.  I mostly hung out with Kyle or his boys, because they were in most of my classes.  When they weren't, I sat in the back of the classroom like a mouse, biting my fingernails nervously.

Kyle's group was kinda labeled the 'nerd' group of the school, so most people left us alone.  I didn't really understand the labeling process, because as far as I was concerned all the boys in Silent City were pretty hot.  Not that I was complaining.  I wasn't forced to make new friends, which was something I wasn't really good at.

Me and my mom still weren't on good terms when February started and I entered my second month of school in Maryland.  She was at work most of the time, or to the best of my knowledge she was.  When I woke up, she was gone, and she wouldn't get back until after I was asleep.

It was starting to make me suspicious, the fact that she wasn't around much.  I mean, I wasn't home much during the day, but what were the chances she was gone only when I was home?  Well, she must've been there often enough because for the most part the fridge was full and the house was clean.

Andrew, Scott, and Tristan really made me feel welcome in their group.  I would go to almost ever rehearsal, and I kept writing songs with Kyle.  Vincent was still a jerk to me, though.  I guess he was one of those people that didn't like change, and I was a whole new piece in his relationship with the guys.  He was getting better, though.

I had started writing songs by myself as well.  Late at night when my mom wasn't home I would pull my dusty guitar out of my closet and work on them.  Slowly but surely, they were getting better.  Some of them, in fact, I was pretty proud of.  Not that I would sing them for anyone...

One Saturday morning, my mom was still gone.  After checking every room in the house, and then doing it again just to make sure, I pulled out my guitar to work on some of my songs.  I had a notebook that I hid under my mattress that was full of song lyrics, chords, and ideas.

Sitting down on my floor, I set my guitar on my lap and set my notebook in front of me.  I opened to the first page, and decided to work on the first song I had ever written.  It was crappy because I was ten, but I had a feeling I could save it if I tried.  Apparently, it was called If Only.

I started playing through, and I cringed.  Who knew something could some so horrible.  After lots of new chords, and a few lyric changes, I started to sing it.  Quietly at first, but then I let go and sang louder.  After all, no one was home.

I was starting to get into it, when I heard something creak.  I quickly set my guitar down and stood up.

"Who's there?"  I yelled, silently praying that no one was there and it was just my crazy imagination.  But, just as my luck would have it, Kyle slowly started to step into my doorway.  Yes, I had left my door open.  He looked completely gobsmacked.  His jaw was hanging open and his eyes were like a deer in the headlights.

"What are you doing in my house?"  I asked, stumbling for the right words to say.  Of course I didn't want to address the obvious, which was that he had just heard me singing.

"You...You were singing..." He muttered.  He ran a hand through his hair, glancing down at my notebook and guitar.  Shit.  I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there awkwardly.  "It was amazing."  My gut twisted and my cheeks turned red. 

"I..."  My head started to spin, so I quickly leaned on my bed for support.  See, this is why I didn't sing in front of people.  This is what happens.

"Serenity?"  Kyle said, running over and grabbing my sides to study me. "Are you okay?  You're really pale."  Apparently he had come out of his shock, but I was right in the middle of mine.  My heart was racing and my palms got really sweaty.

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