Chapter 17

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It took me a second to process things.  All those days and weeks trying to call him, waiting for a call back, and it had finally happened.  Oh, and lets not forget how stupid I was to leave the floor on the floor for who knows how long.

"Vincent?" I asked when I finally picked up the phone.

"Serenity?  Is that you?" He asked, sounding a bit worried, "What happened?  Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I sighed, sitting down on my bed.  I laid down, closing my eyes.  Suddenly, I was really tired.  "I'm just shocked you called, that's all."

"I figured you would be.." He muttered, "And you should hate me as well."

"Why?" I cut him off, my eyes popping open.  Why should I hate him?  Yeah, he had left without an explanation and he haden't let me explain what had happened between me and Kyle, but I didn't hate him.

"I left without warning...And I've been ignoring you for the past few months."  He sounded hurt, like he was expecting me to hang up or something.  In all honesty, I wasn't mad or upset.  I was hurt and confused.  I wanted an explanation.

"It's not just me, though," I said, "What about the other boys?  We're all worried about you."

"I know," He whispered, "I'm really sorry."

"Why me?" I asked, suddenly realizing he had called me first. "Out of everyone you could've called why me?"

"Because I needed to talk to you," He said.  I opened my mouth to respond, but he cut me off, "No, I need to tell  you this.  Please, let me talk." When I didn't say anything, he continued. "I moved, that's why you haven't seen me.  My mom has been wanting to move forever, but I haven't let her move us.  I was to attached to Silent City..."

"But when I saw you and Kyle that day...I don't know, I felt betrayed by my best friend.  You were the first girl I had liked in a long time, and Kyle knew that.  Heck, he knew about it before I did.  So when I saw you two in his kitchen, I just went a little crazy."

"No, Vincent, we-" 

"No, please, let me finish." He cut off my desperate pee, sounding pained. He was still hurting over this.  I felt so incredibly guilty that I was starting to feel sick. "When I went home my mom was drunk off her ass as usual.  I was so angry that I just told her we were leaving, packed a few things, and got on the next plane to...Where we live now."

"My mom is happier here.  She's with her parents, and I think that's what she needed.  She's been sober for a month now."  He sighed, "Serenity, I'm sorry."

I took a deep breath, "What I don't understand is why you moved.  You were mad at your best friend, that happens!"

"I don't expect you to understand," Vincent whispered, "I don't even understand it myself.  All I know is I was hurt and angry, so I just thought it would be easier to run from the problem then to deal with it."

"You're not listening to me," I said in a stern voice, "Kyle and I didn't do anything.  The only reason I was wearing his shirt is because I didn't have pajamas and I slept over.  Nothing happened."  He was silent on the other end, but I could hear him breathing.  I bit my lip, my stomach churning.

"Wow," He finally sighed, "I guess I've screwed up." 

I chuckled, "You could say that." He laughed to, and my heart fluttered.  For the first time in three months I heard that laugh, and it was like music to my ears. "Where did you move to?"

"LA.  Like I said that's where my mom's parents live."  I nodded, even though he couldn't see me.  For the whole conversation I had been staring at the ceiling, and I was starting to see shapes in the paint.

"Well apparently Silent City might be coming there soon," I grumbled, remembering why I had been so upset before this phone call.  That obviously got Vincents attention.

"What?  Why?  When?"  He asked rapidly, making me laugh.

"Kyle sent in a video audition tape to The it Factor.  You know that TV show?  And we got through," I said, playing with a strand of my hair.  Vincent took a deep breath.

"You're part of Silent City?"  He asked, and I made a face.  That wasn't something I had planned to tell him.  Dang it.

"Sort of," I muttered, "Well, yes.  I sing...But I can only sing for the boys!  You know how I have stage fight, right?  Well they've been slowly getting me over it so now I can sing for them and Hope but stupid Kyle sent in a video of all of us and now the only way Silent City can compete is if I sing with them but Kyle knows that I can't do that and I don't even know when he took that video!  I mean I guess it could've been anytime but honestly I didn't even know he was doing it and-"

"Serenity, breathe!" Vincent laughed, making me shut my mouth.  I guess I really needed to vent because once I started I couldn't stop.

"Sorry," I muttered, sitting up on my bed. I pulled my laptop from my bed side table and opened it, logging into twitter.  Kyle had made me get one so I could 'officially be part of the band.' Whatever that means.

"Okay, so what I got from that was Kyle sent in an audition tape and your in it.  Am I right so far?" He asked, still laughing.  I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, that would be correct.  We got through, but I can't sing in front of all those people, and Silent City can't compete unless I'm there with them."  I sighed and clicked on Kyle's twitter, looking through his recent tweets.

I think I screwed up...Sorry, Ren!

That was his tweet from a few minutes ago.  I sighed and clicked reply, my fingers hovering over the key board.  How was I supposed to respond?

"Are you sure you can't do it?"  Vincent asked, "You said yourself you're getting better about your stage fright.  You'll never know if you can unless you try."

I sighed, "You're probably right, but what if I can't do it?  Then I'll pass out or puke in front of all those people...I'd never be able to live it down!"

"Look, here's what I know," He said, sounding stern, "You have an amazing voice from what I've heard, and this has been the guys dream since we were in diapers.  It will suck that I can't be a part of it, but I know that the guys will be crushed if you don't do this for them."

"I know," I wined, pushing my laptop to the side.  A reply could wait, "But they also need to think about me.  They sent in the video without asking, they knew there was a chance I would say no."

"But they sent it in hoping you would have the same dream as them and be willing to try," He said kindly.  "I know you love music, I know you want this just as bad as them.  Why should you let a mistake when you were little affect the rest of your life?  I know you can do this, you just have to believe in yourself."

His words really hit home, right where he wanted them to.  He was right, I couldn't let something from my past get in the way of my future.  This was my chance at my dream, I couldn't pass it up.  If something went wrong I would deal with it at the time, but I would do anything and everything within my power to do well at that audition.

"I've got to go," Vincent said sadly, "Just know I believe in you, you can do it."

"Thank you," I whispered, gripping the phone tighter in my hand.  I really didn't want him to go.  When would the next time I would get to talk to him?  In another three months?

"Goodbye, Serenity."

"Bye, Vincent," He hung up and the line clicked dead.  I let my phone fall from my fingers, staring at my computer.  I knew what I needed to do, but I didn't know if I had the courage to do it.  Grabbing my computer, I finally replied to Kyle's tweet.

Grab the boys, we need to talk.

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