Chapter 6

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Staying home with Vincent actually wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. Yeah, we sat on my bed for a few minutes without talking, but then we decided to play Rock Band. We played about four games before Kyle came back, all of which I won. Vincent claimed it was because he let me win, even though I knew he haden't. I was just boss at that game.

But I let him say it anyway so it would help boost his manly pride.

When Kyle got back, he just walked in. Again. I really needed to learn how to lock the front door.

"I am back!" He announced, dropping three boxes of pizza on the coffee table.

"What the hell," I asked, wrinkling my nose, "A pizza per person? Don't you think that's a bit much?" Vincent started laughing and set down his Rock Band guitar, grabbing a pizza box.

"No, that sounds about right." Kyle said, grabbing his box and sitting on the couch. I sighed and sat in between Vincent and Kyle. Instead of grabbing my box, I just took a piece out of Kyles. "No, not mine!" He shrieked in mock horror, "I got you your own!"

"Shut up!" I laughed, slapping his arm roughly. The pizza was seriously good, Kyle was right. I ended up eating three pieces, which is way more then what I usually eat. Usually, I just eat one. The boys stayed for a couple of hours playing rock band, then they said it was time to leave.

"Ugh, another night of being alone." I whined. Honestly, I haden't realized how lonely I had been at home until they were leaving me. It was one in the morning and my mom still wasn't home. Did she really work that late.

"Is your mom not home yet?" Vincent asked. Kyle stopped too and looked at me.

"No, she's never home anymore." I guess that really was weird, I haden't even thought about it. There was no way her work took up that much time. I mean really, she had no time for her daughter?

"When was the last time you saw her...?" Vincent sat down next to me again, with that same look in his eyes as earlier. Concern, that's what it was. He was worried about me. That made the butterflies come back, and I could feel my cheeks getting slightly redder.

"Uh...Some time like three weeks ago?" Wow, longer then I had remembered. Had I really been living basically on my own that long? Well that showed how great of a relationship I had with my mother.

"Then we'll stay," Kyle said, and headed straight for my movie rack. I was really confused. I would be fine, they didn't need to treat me like a baby.

"No, really, she'll probably be home soon." I said, starting to panic. If my mom came home and I had two boys over in the middle of the night, it wouldn't be pretty.

"Um, no," Vincent said, raising an eyebrow at me, "I don't care how soon she's home, we're staying. Besides, I don't want to go home anyway." I sighed in defeat, leaning back on the couch. I was actually touched they were willing to stay, even I I didn't really mind staying home alone.

Kyle popped in a movie, and we all settled back. He actually picked one of my favorites, Orphan. Somewhere near the end I fell asleep, and didn't wake up until about noon the next morning. Not surprisingly, the boys were still asleep.

I felt a relief knowing my mom haden't been back, but I was also worried. I mean, I know we fight, but that doesn't mean I don't love her.

Slowly, I got up and wen't into the kitchen, yawning. I was exhausted. Grabbing a bowl, I got out some Apple Jacks and started eating. Then, I noticed a note on the island. I set my bowl in the sink and picked it up.


Obviously, we have a lot to talk about. I am NOT pleased to see those boys in my living room, but I'm in too big of a hurry to wake you. Get them out. You're not to leave the house until I come home this evening.


I scoffed at the note, throwing it in the trashcan. Did she really think that would scare me? My friends would stay, and I would go somewhere if I wanted too. She wasn't around to be my mom anymore, she didn't have that authority over me.

"Hey guys, what do you want to do today?" I asked, walking back into the living room. Luckily, they were slowly waking up.

"Mhnmp?" Kyle moaned, stretching and rolling over. Unfortunately, he rolled to far and landed right on top of Vincent.

"Ouch!" He yelled, jumping and throwing Kyle off of his body. I, of course, burst out laughing.

"Your. Face!" I managed to gasp, bending over and grasping my waist. I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe.

"It's not funny," Vincent pouted, "It hurt." Kyle was just sitting there, rubbing his eyes like he was still half asleep.

"Sorry, man." He muttered, running a hand through his hair and standing up. "What time is it, Ren?"

"It's like, noon." I stated, falling backwards into my brown leather chair.

"Shoot, I gotta run!" Kyle exclaimed, fishing in his pocket for his phone. "Apparently my family is coming in for a visit, and my mom is all for family time."

"Aw, do you have to go?" I whined, sticking out my bottom lip. "I wanted to go to that fair that's in town today!"

"Yes, I do." He insisted, "My mom would kill me if I ditched. Maybe Vincent will go with you?" He turned to his friend, and Vincent panicked.

"What, me?" He asked, his eyes widening. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I wanted him to go with me. Yes, I wanted to get along better with him, seeing as he was Kyles best friend, but I was also hesitant. I had never done well around people who didn't like me.

"Yes, you. Will you please take Serenity to the fair?" Kyle looked at me, begging me to say something. Well, I guess I better ask, otherwise I have to go alone.

"Please," I begged, "I don't want to be a looser and go by myself." He sighed, running a hand through his hair roughly.

"Fine, but you're buying me lunch there." He finally said.

"Deal," I squealed, jumping up and clapping. I haden't been to a fair sense I was like, five years old. I didn't know what to expect exactly, but I was hoping to have a good time.

"Thank," Kyle sighed, "I'll see you guys later!"

"Bye!" I called as he ran out the door. Vincent was giving me the evil eye, and although I tried to ignore it, it was making me very uncomfortable. "What?"

"I'm giving up my Saturday for you, you better be grateful." He huffed, standing up and pulling his car keys out of his pocket.

"Oh right, I forgot." I said sarcastically, "I bow to you, oh master. Your kindness overwhelms me." I bent at my waist, bowing to him.

"Whatever." He scoffed, "I'll be back in an hour to pick you up. Be ready, cause I'm not waiting." Before I could respond, he walked out the front door. What a jack ass. And here I thought we were actually getting along better.

I ran upstairs and took a quick shower, french braiding my wet hair so it was out of the way and quickly putting on makeup. I picked out some skinny jeans, a red v-neck sweater, and some light brown cowboy boots to wear.

It took me about forty five minutes to get ready, so I had some time to spare. I ran down stairs to the kitchen and pulled my moms cookie jar down from the cupboard. She always kept spare money in there for me to use if I needed it.

I shoved three twenty dollar bills in my pocket, grabbed my phone and a water bottle, and headed outside. I planted myself on the front step and waited, hoping it wouldn't take Vincent much longer to get here.


Important authors note coming next, please read it.

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