Chapter 10

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"Vincent, wait!"  I called, chasing after him.  Kyle quickly grabbed my arm, yanking me back to his side.

"Let him go, Ren."  He whispered, wrapping his arms around me so I wouldn't move.

"Kyle, let go!  I have to go explain!" I exclaimed, wriggling in his arms. "Vincent has the totally wrong idea!" 

"I know, but he needs to cool down."  He said calmly, "Trust me, I've known Vincent for a long time.  Once he calms down, he'll ask what happened."  I blinked, realizing that Kyle was probably right.

But how would I even explain what happened?  I had no clue myself, plus I couldn't exactly say 'oh I was upset you rejected me so I slept over at your best friends house.'  It had all been innocent, nothing had happened, but if you weren't there you wouldn't know that.

I sighed, roughly running my hand through my hair. Great, things just haden't been going my way lately.  Kyle chuckled, shaking his head.

"You look so frustrated." He observed, sitting back down at the table.

I scoffed, "No shit, Sherlock."  He laughed, rolling his eyes at me.

"Well, it's cute."  He smirked.  I stuck my tongue out at him, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach, and hurried upstairs.  As soon as I got upstairs I went into Kyles bathroom and got changed back into my clothing.  Not that his shirt wasn't comfortable, but I couldn't exactly go home in Kyle's T-shirt...

Using the hair tie around my wrist, I pulled my hair into a messy bun.  After splashing my face with cold water, I ran back downstairs to find Kyle putting some dishes into the dishwasher.  Sighing, I leaned on the door frame, admiring the way his muscles moved on his bare arms and back as he put the plates in the right place.

Damn hormones, I'm a wreck!

"So," I said, making Kyle jump and turn around.  He looked at me, surprised.

"I didn't know you were back..."  He said, narrowing his eyebrows.  I shrugged, taking a seat at his kitchen table. "Do you need me to drive you home?"  Honestly, I haden't thought about it.  I really did need to go home, seeing as I had major apologizes due to my mother.

"Nah, I think I'm going to walk," Grabbing Kyles cup, I took a sip of his water. "I could use the fresh air to clear my head."  He nodded, closing the dishwasher and wiping his hands on a dish towel.

"Need anything to eat?  You can stay as long as you like you know."  I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up.  It was a sweet offer, but I couldn't put it off any longer.  Besides, it would take me a good thirty minutes to walk home from here. 

"I need to go," I said sadly, sticking out my bottom lip.  Trust me, if I could I would spend the whole day with Kyle.  It would be much more entertaining.

"Take my jacket," Kyle said, picking up his black sweater from the island and chucking it at my head. "It's cold outside, and you don't have one."

"Thank you," I smiled, sticking my arms through the sleeves. "Not just for the jacket, but for letting me crash here last night...I owe you."

Kyle smirked, "Maybe you'll sing for me one day, then." He chuckled.  I scoffed, sticking my nose up in the air.

"You wish, looser."  I laughed, sticking my tongue out at his 'hurt' face.  Honestly, the idea wasn't so appalling anymore...I felt that maybe, some day, I would be able to sing for him...And it was scaring me.  With a wave of my hand I stood and headed for his front door, ready to head home and face the wrath of my mom.


"Mom?" I called, stepping through the door way.  I had spent the last thirty minutes outside of my house, trying to figure a way to climb up the side and through my window again, but there was none.  The only option was to go through the front door and except the consequences.

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